Social Suicide: The Growing Plight of Middle-Aged White Men

Originally Posted by*KONG-D'SNT-TAP

Anyone else find it ironic that white people have been the most racist people since the beginning of time, exploited every minority under the sun..

now the playing field is being leveled and minorities are talking shit back and now the poor white man is crying harassment and how their lives suck..

that type of comedy cant be written.. Taste of their own medicine and they don't like it

This is pretty ignorant. Whites haven't been the most racist. And your right white men complain. They point out every time the system isn't fair. That's what they should do. You expect them to just say "Ok, you can be racist against white people, it's cool." Your childish for thinking that's how it's should be otherwise it being "comedy."

Black people should do the same. Point out legitimate complaints. It works. Look where blacks were in the 50s. And of course society is still stacked against Black's. White people who deny this are just ignorant. was that an excellent post? It was uneducated and reactionary. He failed to demonstrate an understanding of either the original academic concept of white privilege or the social meaning it has taken. He just ranted then made a vaguely white supremacist threat.

Seriously, re-read his post, but replace "white" with "black" and "minorities" with "whites." Especially that last line. It's just a very angry man rambling.

Angry is absolutely right.

The academic concept of White privilege is a ruse. It is the kind of scholarship you find in Soviet societies.

You're probably angry I won't fall down and beg forgiveness for being White. Unfortunately for you, I am White guilt free. ha ha.

You are probably angry I won't accept White privilege, a hateful, vile, viscous fraud used to gain power by White shamming. Nervemind the hate it generates against Whites by "people of color". (the progressive version of colored people, but it's not racist. ha ha)

I don't care what you think. People with free and open minds have a duty to stand up and put an end to Political Correctness. OORAH!
This is pretty ignorant. Whites haven't been the most racist. And your right white men complain. They point out every time the system isn't fair. That's what they should do. You expect them to just say "Ok, you can be racist against white people, it's cool." Your childish for thinking that's how it's should be otherwise it being "comedy."

Black people should do the same. Point out legitimate complaints. It works. Look where blacks were in the 50s. And of course society is still stacked against Black's. White people who deny this are just ignorant.

Its even funnier when white racists are complaining about it..

Grow a set you poor white man and go and and get laid..

Cry cry cry... Waaah my life stinks casue im white..

The most coddled group in America are a bunch of cry babies...
Just look how whites treated the native American Indians...

Its laughable these people cry over nothing... Literally nothing..

Nothing to you. And nothing to me. But that shit is relative. My parents survived a civil war. Everything I've ever complained about is nothing to them, but they didn't laugh at me when I came home crying because I got in trouble at school. That's unfair.

White Americans have never experienced what they are currently experiencing. It is difficult for them to handle and I'm gonna show sympathy/empathy. When friends struggle, that's the proper response.

If this lamentation continues for a hundred years, maybe I'll be rolling my eyes with you, but it's a shock to the system. They'll get over it and/or adjust in due time, but mocking people while they're down only breeds resentment, not understanding.
Angry is absolutely right.

The academic concept of White privilege is a ruse. It is the kind of scholarship you find in Soviet societies.

You're probably angry I won't fall down and beg forgiveness for being White. Unfortunately for you, I am White guilt free. ha ha.

You are probably angry I won't accept White privilege, a hateful, vile, viscous fraud used to gain power by White shamming. Nervemind the hate it generates agaist White by "people of color". (the progressive version of colored people, but it's not racist. ha ha)

I don't care what you think. People with free and open minds have a duty to stand up and put an end to Political Correctness. OORAH!

I wonder if you ever read a book on civil rights in America...

The entire south ran off of white privilege..
Angry is absolutely right.

The academic concept of White privilege is a ruse. It is the kind of scholarship you find in Soviet societies.

You're probably angry I won't fall down and beg forgiveness for being White. Unfortunately for you, I am White guilt free. ha ha.

You are probably angry I won't accept White privilege, a hateful, vile, viscous fraud used to gain power by White shamming. Nervemind the hate it generates against Whites by "people of color". (the progressive version of colored people, but it's not racist. ha ha)

I don't care what you think. People with free and open minds have a duty to stand up and put an end to Political Correctness. OORAH!

Nah, I'm mainly on your side. I think the concept of white privilege is overblown and often used as an excuse. I also cringe anytime I hear "people of color" and refuse to allow well-meaning hipster white people from calling me that. I have white people in my life that I love deeply and it enrages me when others insist they should feel guilty because their ancestors did some bad shit that literally everyone else's ancestors were also doing.

But your post was inarticulate and full of rage. I wasn't disagreeing with your message, I was just saying that such a rambling post hardly qualifies as "excellent."
Nothing to you. And nothing to me. But that shit is relative. My parents survived a civil war. Everything I've ever complained about is nothing to them, but they didn't laugh at me when I came home crying because I got in trouble at school. That's unfair.

White Americans have never experienced what they are currently experiencing. It is difficult for them to handle and I'm gonna show sympathy/empathy. When friends struggle, that's the proper response.

If this lamentation continues for a hundred years, maybe I'll be rolling my eyes with you, but it's a shock to the system. They'll get over it and/or adjust in due time, but mocking people while they're down only breeds resentment, not understanding.

So the most coddled group in the country needs your sympathy..

these people need to get the fuck over it already..

Their lives are not for the worse.. Im sick of hearing from the rights mouth pieces as well.. Hannity, Rush, Mark Levine..

crying like theyre locked in chains doing manual labor on a plantation for no money..
These people are delusional..

and many others in this thread have pointed it out as well.. They did it more eloquently as well. I have no time for that. I am sick and tired of the crying and whining...
The accepted explanation amongst researchers is that suicidal men don't seek help because they feel it's weakness and they use more lethal(effective) methods of killing themselves. Women are more likely to seek help and have stronger support networks of friends/family to help them through the crisis. If a guy wants to go quietly, or his pride is too big to ask for help, that's on him. People can't guess what's going on in your head. If you don't ask for help, you won't receive any, it's pretty simple.

The problem is that when men are open about suffering they are often not taken seriously and sometimes mocked or told to "man up." Imagine being a boy raised to talk about your feelings, then at a time when you are charged full of hormones and dealing with teenage angst, you become perceived as a man and everything changes. That would seriously mess you up. The starting point has to be change in the way society views men, which I think is slowly happening.
The problem is that when men are open about suffering they are often not taken seriously and sometimes mocked or told to "man up." Imagine being a boy raised to talk about your feelings, then at a time when you are charged full of hormones and dealing with teenage angst, you become perceived as a man and everything changes. That would seriously mess you up. The starting point has to be change in the way society views men, which I think is slowly happening.

I hear this a lot, but is it real for adult men? I know little boys get told to man up a lot about trivial things, but the few times I've had serious talks (like, serious life talks) with my brothers or dad or male friends, they've always been extremely supportive. I've seen this same brotherly support in sports, the military, every aspect of society. Who are these men telling other grown men to not talk about their feelings?
The problem is that when men are open about suffering they are often not taken seriously and sometimes mocked or told to "man up." Imagine being a boy raised to talk about your feelings, then at a time when you are charged full of hormones and dealing with teenage angst, you become perceived as a man and everything changes. That would seriously mess you up. The starting point has to be change in the way society views men, which I think is slowly happening.

This behavior by men to not show their feelings and 'toughen up' is such a common thing all over the world and historically.

To me that means there is some advantage to that behavior. It must serve a purpose. There are always pros and cons, but I wonder if there are unintended consequences of trying to create a society of men who don't do that.
So the most coddled group in the country needs your sympathy..

these people need to get the fuck over it already..

Their lives are not for the worse.. Im sick of hearing from the rights mouth pieces as well.. Hannity, Rush, Mark Levine..

crying like theyre locked in chains doing manual labor on a plantation for no money..
These people are delusional..

and many others in this thread have pointed it out as well.. They did it more eloquently as well. I have no time for that. I am sick and tired of the crying and whining...

You are a hateful individual.
I hear this a lot, but is it real for adult men? I know little boys get told to man up a lot about trivial things, but the few times I've had serious talks (like, serious life talks) with my brothers or dad or male friends, they've always been extremely supportive. I've seen this same brotherly support in sports, the military, every aspect of society. Who are these men telling other grown men to not talk about their feelings?

Brothers, fathers and friends will absolutely be supportive, but there is a general attitude in society that when dudes talk about their hurt feelings they are being pussies. Men will be aware of that social norm whether or not someone directly tells them they need to man up or something similar.
You are a hateful individual.

Yes im hateful to white cry babies. Like you. And that's ironic coming from one of the more hateful people on here. Go to any feminist thread youre no jeuss Christ in them...

This is gonna be my new stance on it.. Im white so who better than me to talk about other white people..

Im so sick of you constantly crying..

You don't even work. You sit home and post on Sherdog while your wife works all day long...

Youre a caricature. And you have the audacity to sit here and cry about white men having nothing...

Go get a job.
This is like some meltdown material going on in this thread.

The subject matter of the topic makes it all the more bizarre.
This behavior by men to not show their feelings and 'toughen up' is such a common thing all over the world and historically.

To me that means there is some advantage to that behavior. It must serve a purpose. There are always pros and cons, but I wonder if there are unintended consequences of trying to create a society of men who don't do that.

It was definitively useful historically when some barbarians were raiding your village and you had to pick up a sword and fight them for survival. Probably also advantageous in a difficult manual labor where overcoming pain is part of the job. As for unintended consequences, I'm not sure. Any theories?
I think men had to be tough for so long, and push down their feelings because they were the main bread winners of a household..

There was no one else to fall back on.
I wonder if you ever read a book on civil rights in America...

The entire south ran off of white privilege..

The antebellum south ran on slavery, like the many societies in human history.

After the civil war, the Republicans wanted to punish the southern Whites, who by the way became Democrats, thus White resentment against Blacks was codified into law. Jim Crow is one example of Democrats in action. The rise of the KKK another.

Your are not going to like this. Civil rights laws are about anything but civil rights.

They are about ceding turf, property and power to certain groups and hamstringing others. Keep in mind for now, wealthy and affluent are code words for White.

Case in point: the community organizer and his posse are trying to regulate the racial makeup of cities, towns and communities that they feel are too White.

It works like this.

The community organizer and his henchmen decide that some community is too White and something has to be done. These communities will be forced to repent by providing, at their own expense, housing options for non-Whites. link - This is one article for reference, there are others.

You note that there is no effort to desegregate Asian or Latino neighborhoods. It is a fact, that the day the government decides Latinos need diversity shoved down their throats is the day Latinos become Republicans en mass. Asians, a minority that does not see themselves as victims (thus they prosper), have no use for others invading their turf. This scheme is just about fucking with White people, not civil rights.

It is an example of Soviet style social engineering at its best. ha ha.

Civil rights law is being used to wage what amounts to a de facto race war, the spoils of which are taken by the use of civil rights law, not by arms. It is quite clever and Machiavellian at its best.
So the most coddled group in the country needs your sympathy..

these people need to get the fuck over it already..

Their lives are not for the worse.. Im sick of hearing from the rights mouth pieces as well.. Hannity, Rush, Mark Levine..

crying like theyre locked in chains doing manual labor on a plantation for no money..
These people are delusional..

and many others in this thread have pointed it out as well.. They did it more eloquently as well. I have no time for that. I am sick and tired of the crying and whining...
what do you mean by them being coddled? because from what it looks like they are the most acceptable group to vilify and berate.
It was definitively useful historically and some barbarians were raiding your village and you had to pick up a sword and fight them for survival. Probably also advantageous in a difficult manual labor where overcoming pain is part of the job. As for unintended consequences, I'm not sure. Any theories?

I think it shows strength in many contexts. Remaining collected and sturdy can instill confidence in others, even if things are not going so well.

The side effects would be to not benefit as much from the positives of such things. It's probably good for family units to have a 'rock', and family units are the building block of larger society.

As to what it would look like shifting the other direction of more open emotions and sharing, it's hard to say.

Leagons point of guys being fairly open with one another between confidants is a good one though. Not all guys have that, but I think it's pretty healthy and builds bonds without negative side effects. There has to be that trust there though for most guys, and guys still don't want to be seen as weak.
Reposting from the other thread:

I've been referencing this story for months now.

I'm actually shocked that it hasn't become a legitimate part of the conversation. And it's not just the suicide thing.

Everyone talks about the end of the American Dream but recent study shows that the only group who feels strongly about that are white Americans. The other ethnic groups think it's pretty much the same. But because white Americans are the largest demographic, their decline in belief is enough to shift the entire perception. What's really interesting/informative/whatever, is that white America's loss of faith in the American Dream is bringing it down to the same levels that minorities have had for 30 years. This is despite the fact that the opportunities available to them haven't really changed.

We talk a lot about race issues in this thread but there is a real emotional crisis in white America right now.

White male and female life expectancies have been declining, even as those of other races have gone up, despite black and meztizo obesity rates exceeding those of whites. I wonder what's going on?