Video: McGregor behind scenes calling Jake Shields a juicehead. This is why Jake got salty

Well if Jake Shields doesn't nut up and say what he failed for everyone is gonna assume it's P.E.Ds. If it's for the devil's lettuce, just say that.
LOL at Jake telling McGregor, "I'll slap the shit out of you."
ahaha, the whole skrap pack and Conor gives zero fucks
Shits turning into mini Gangs of New York. Scrap Pack vs McG / Noodle-Boy
I like Conor but his jimmies are rustled. Midget complexes.
Nate is right. Conor got put in his place in this video above... Conor saying Nate trains with nobody? C'mon now, sit the fuck down.
McGregor is cool but Dana is ridicolous. That fake scary face is priceless.
Seems like Nate is only concerned with who has the better team. Last I checked it was an individual sport.

It's hilarious how Nate has to have a certain amount of teammates around himself in order to feel a little more secure around McGregor.
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ahaha, the whole skrap pack and Conor gives zero fucks
conor is affraid, hiding behind that cop, diaz is just tooling mcgregor on the mic, even dana couldnt hide his smile on that butt touch comment
lol @ Jake's face. Looks like he was about to overdose on adrenaline and cortisol.
conor is affraid, hiding behind that cop, diaz is just tooling mcgregor on the mic, even dana couldnt hide his smile on that butt touch comment
afraid of what? what is so scary about the Skrap pack? the last guy they jumped on a big stage even called one of them out for ages and would they fight him? would they fuck

they are more rattled that their bullshit isnt effecting Conor, theyve finally met someone who takes no shit
I like that there are like 5 dudes including at least 3 professional fighters trying to get at him and he doesn't even get off the stage. He's still yelling at them.
The team talk is so stupid. I'd get mad too if I were Conor, because it pisses me off when people stop making any kind of sense and think they're saying something and then any other dipshits in earshot think so too and then you have to hear the same babble get repeated by 100 derpy motherfuckers. All Conor needs to say is his team has HIM on it and that's really all you need to fuckin' know. I hope when Conor wins he asks Nate what he thinks of his team then.
Explicit language? I'm out.
Nate is right. Conor got put in his place in this video above... Conor saying Nate trains with nobody? C'mon now, sit the fuck down.

Actually, how many UFC Champions has come out of his gym?

Bit embarrassing for all the high level fighters he trains with that he's never won the belt. Hmmm.
Ok, that does also explain Conor's reaction, wtf is up with Nates team constantly getting involved he cant handle it himself?
The team talk is so stupid. I'd get mad too if I were Conor, because it pisses me off when people stop making any kind of sense and think they're saying something and then any other dipshits in earshot think so too and then you have to hear the same babble get repeated by 100 derpy motherfuckers. All Conor needs to say is his team has HIM on it and that's really all you need to fuckin' know. I hope when Conor wins he asks Nate what he thinks of his team then.
The team talk is so stupid. I'd get mad too if I were Conor, because it pisses me off when people stop making any kind of sense and think they're saying something and then any other dipshits in earshot think so too and then you have to hear the same babble get repeated by 100 derpy motherfuckers. All Conor needs to say is his team has HIM on it and that's really all you need to fuckin' know. I hope when Conor wins he asks Nate what he thinks of his team then.

Sounds exactly like Conor talking shit and all his fans mindlessly quoting him...
You know stylistically Jake could give Conor alot of problems if they were to fight.