PBP UFC TUF 23 Finale: Jedrzejczyk Vs. Gadelha II Main Card PBP (Discussion) 10pm ET/7pm PT/3am UK

I survived cancer=Pls like me...

Also i will now speak about current events!

Suarez is out of her depth commenting on the Police -BLM situation.

She toned it down though instead of making a bold proclamation she did ok, but I was starting to cringe and then went...ok, thats alright.
Aside from TUF 20, when do they ever give TUF winners big fights right away? Hello McFly!
Pena fought top girls right out of TUF, if strawweight isnt as stacked as Im claiming then she is perfectly ready for the top girls(not claiming you are saying that btw)
lol at the blue belt know it all Luke Thomas.....he can roll w me see how much he doesn't know....

She had a High Elbow guillotine, dropped to half guard from standing, but wasnt able to keep the high elbow above the shoulder....

If she did, wouldnt matter if she was in side....

wouldn't say it was the best,but Luke should STFU

No technical stuff here please.
Yea. Big John should have been more vigilant. That was dangerous
Nearly 5am and there is still another fight to go before the main event, how the fuck has this dragged on so long?