Which science is hardest


Orange Belt
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
ok I need to take a science discipline for my computer science associates . Need part 1 and 2 with labs .
Which one is hardest . Geology, biology , physics , chemistry.
In order 1-4 one being hardest .
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geology. Just kidding i have no fucking clue.
Organic and inorganic chemistry.

Bio Chem and cosmology are all very hard. Anything studying quantum mechanics. That stuff is just not easy to grasp.
All four are interesting imo but chemistry is definitely the hardest of those four.
Never took geology, but I've all the others.

It will depend on the teacher, but I would say generally physics is the hardest, then chemistry, then biology.
Are you talking about 101 level classes or higher level?

At level 101 they are all easy but your perception of which is hardest is based on two thugs: your baseline knowledge and the teacher.

What do you have the most classroom knowledge and be experience with?

Which professor has a reputation for being the easiest?
All the sciences whooped my ass, back in high-school. Anything even harder, just gives me a headache. Good luck, with whatever you end up with.
Well I am pretty sure you have to take chemistry and physics for your major, nvkka
All of the 101 level science courses are fairly accessable.

Newtonian Physics makes the most sense, involves very little memorization, and is actually very fun. Chemistry 101 is very light on math but involves a little memorization.

That's what I'd I recommend you take.
trying to say which one is 'easier' is kind of pointless.

i think chemistry or physics should be your first choices.
biology 3rd.
for the love of god dont take geology
physics most difficult.
advanced mathematics, if you consider that a science.
and then anything with 'ology' at the end of it.
Bio 1 & 2 were easiest for me - chem and physics were more difficult - never took geology, but it sounds boring as hell
I would think physics. But really the answer is none of those. Scientology is the hardest science.
Out of those four, biology and geology at an entry college level are mostly remembering classifications - pretty easy to get through by memory and repetition.

Chem and physics also requires memorization but also application via formulas

I would say, geo, bio, physics (assuming it's 101 classical) and then Chem as the ranking from easy to difficult
Let's just say this guy did well in geology.

If you are looking for career paths, I would suggest physics/biology. Biotechnology and data management are yuuuuuge
If you are looking for career paths, I would suggest physics/biology. Biotechnology and data management are yuuuuuge
an associates degree in comp sci + bio 101 is a pretty long ways from biotechnology...