Milo Yiannopoulos comes to Berkeley tommorow. 1.9k people pledging to prostest. Prepare your Angus!!

Attack shown in interview:

Terrible, said her and her husband wore kevlar vests and her husband's ribs were broken from the beatings they took.

Pepper Sprayed:

Good. They deserved all of it.

Nothing compared to a leftist protestor getting shot in the stomach though.
modern brown shirts

its weird that they dont even realize it and think theyre fighting for tolerance

They are fighting for tolerance as long as you do not oppose them.

This is where the cops were, INSIDE where it was safe

This is where the cops were, INSIDE where it was safe

No Shit.

I posted the video, they were inside, where the Milo speech was gonna take place...I think they were there to protect the building more than anything and if Milo actually decided to do the speech.
Wait so it's okay to attempts a homicide but it's wrong to beat someone up? Haha you kids have serious mental issues.

Learn to defend yourselves snowflakes
Do... you... think the only way to attempt homicide is with a fire arm?

Guess that kinda pokes holes in the whole "outside agitators" thing if true.

The other guy is DEF asian

He straight up looks like a fucking ninja

BUT UC Berkely is like 30% Asian, so who the knows
Oh so supporting known xenophobia affiliated with hate groups is just "something you don't like?"

You people are children lol seriously don't understand shit

Yes that is "something you don't like"

In America, people have the right to be assholes, be xenophobic and be hateful. People have a right to say their political beliefs without facing physical violence

If you ban everything that pisses you off, it's a slippery slope that leads to actual tyranny like nazi Germany and soviet Russia

Your view is very childlike where feelings>the first amendment
You guys are flooding the forum with these types of posts to reinforce y'all's already limited and inaccurate view of the left.

What's the payout? I mean, is it to, like, beat down liberal posters on this board, hoping that they'll swallow their pride and admit Trumpians were right about the left?

I get that.

Just don't bitch anytime I make a thread about how much of a full-blown dumbass and objectively bad president Donald Trump is.
I think trump supporters are just really driving home how far gone and radical libtards are, so when the conservatives start fighting back and stomping these dickheads you will remember why.
Trump supporter shot a leftist protestor in the stomach you sickening fascist sympathizer

Where's the outrage?

it was in self defense, shooter is actually the victim, the ATTACKER is the one that got shot.

Shooter turned himself in, and was released a few hours later, why? cuz justified