Eddie Bravo and Kron Gracie on flat earth

People have known the Earth was round long before Columbus.

The whole Columbus story as taught in 'murican elementary schools is a complete crock of shit.

Eratosthenes proved the Earth was round before Jesus died.
Eratosthenes proved the Earth was round before Jesus died.

The Eratosthenes experiment would have come out the same way though if the Earth was flat and the Sun was just really close.

I'm sure that caveat is on some flat Earth website somewhere lol.
People have known the Earth was round long before Columbus.

The whole Columbus story as taught in 'murican elementary schools is a complete crock of shit.

Eratosthenes proved the Earth was round before Jesus died.
Not to mention most ancient cultures were steeped in astronomy, but fuck logic
Christ. Shit likes this makes me root against humanity and in favor of robotic replacements. These monkeys are getting an F in the course.
People have known the Earth was round long before Columbus.

The whole Columbus story as taught in 'murican elementary schools is a complete crock of shit.

Eratosthenes proved the Earth was round before Jesus died.

Not only was it known, its total circumference was calculated by Eratosthenes with trigonometry to a 15 percent margin of error, which no doubt Eddie and Kron consider witchcraft, being numbers and stuff.
Not only was it known, its total circumference was calculated by Eratosthenes with trigonometry to a 15 percent margin of error, which no doubt Eddie and Kron consider witchcraft, being numbers and stuff.
Someone needs to put it in a "documentary"
I still remember when Ari got that magical purple shirt out of thin air and we were told to "trust Eddie's judgment" in the matter.

Eddie is talented at a lot of things. Judgment though...
This is hilarious.

You guys can screw off with your reason and "science".

I have to go now. I've been feeling sick and need to go bloodlet.
Flights definitely take the globe into account. Take a look at all the North America to Asia direct routes. They go over the North Pole. It looks goofy as hell on the flat map, but it makes total sense if you think of it as a globe.

Considering that the planes define "down" as "perpendicular towards sea level", and the sea level curves over a distance, the adjustment is natural. But technically if they kept flying in a straight line, they would gain altitude (as the Earth curves down away from them) until they stalled and crashed. So they do constantly adjust down, even if it is an intuitive adjustment.

The Earth also naturally looks round over long distances, even to the naked eye. Only people on land who can't see very far intuitively think it's flat. If you watch over the ocean the horizon clearly looks curved at a far distance. It's especially clear if you watch something go over it like a ship. Ships "drop" over the horizon. They literally look like they are going around a ball. Because they are.

Also lol at this even being a thread. I guess it's good these dudes are good at jiu jitsu. Not sure where they'd be otherwise.

Once a full time pro black belt friend of mine told me one of the best kept secrets in BJJ: "Most everyone who does BJJ as their job picked it as their job because they didn't have a lot of other options. Me included."

I get the feeling astrophysics PhD was not in the cards for the flat earth crew. Jiu jitsu it is!

if you are on the plane and look out the horizon is perpendicular, you can put a pen in front of your eyes and see that it lines up perfectly

the only reason it seems curved in the photos is because film lense is curved

airplanes indeed do fly parallel to surface, that's what proves that the earth is flat, glad we are on the same page here
Is the 10th planet flat?

In 1983 NASA has identified a planet with an anomalous orbit around our Sun; they refer to it as Nibiru or the 10th planet. The knowledge since has been suppressed. There are theories that the planet will soon pass near the earth and create a natural calamity
God damn it hurts my brain people believe this
You got it wrong
It takes 10 years to become a bjj professor so he is smarter than you.
what's truly messed up about this is that this idiocy isn't perpetuated by just some batshit insane kid with autism and a youtube channel, it's now being parroted by people who actually have a voice and a following.

bravo isn't exactly the world's biggest superstar, but this 4 hour special alone has 120k views. it should've been buried to the 25th page of youtube search results for any search term ever.
This is terrible. Eddie is a confirmed moron, sorry to hear Kron is a mental midget as well.
It's sad because there are real issues like lake pollution, global warming, habitat and water supply that need uncomfortable solutions based on real science that is hard to educate people on, and these dick bags are making people dumber.
In 1983 NASA has identified a planet with an anomalous orbit around our Sun; they refer to it as Nibiru or the 10th planet. The knowledge since has been suppressed. There are theories that the planet will soon pass near the earth and create a natural calamity

but is Nibiru flat?
The flat earth people hurt my brain more than.. eh I'll be nice and not say. But since we're talking about how long we've known the earth isn't t in fact flat. I thought I'd give nice little trivia

1. Galileo wasn't "really" put on trial because he said the earth was round. Other catholic/Jesuit scientists said it was as well. He was put on trial for talking shit about and insulting the pope and being an academic bully, and was only put under comfortable house arrest after apologizing. It wasn't the poor little scientist against the evil church it's been made out to be

2. Christopher Columbus wasn't some radical for suggesting the world was round, the reason people doubted him is was because he was underestimating all of the calculations for the earths circumference

3. Flat earthers are.... ugh

- Pythagoras said more than 2000 years ago that earth wasn`t flat.

Another guys that flat earth scumbags don`t even knew existed

"All of which goes to show not only that the Earth is circular in shape, but also that it is a sphere of no great size: for otherwise the effect of so slight a change of place would not be so quickly apparent," Aristole wrote in "On the Heavens."

One hundred years after Aristotle, the ancient Greek mathematician Eratosthenes put forward the first scientific estimate of the circumference of the planet using nothing more than shadows and working alongside a team of bematists, professional surveyors in ancient Greece. His estimate of 250,000 stadia (28,738 miles or 46,250 kilometers) is close to Earth's actual circumference of 24,902 miles (40,075 kilometers) if measured at the equator.

Greeks used The Antikythera to predict eclipses on a round earth, Mayans and other civilizations already knew that earth wasn`t flat. Flat earth theory started or restarted around 1800, sailors thinkers, mathematicians from centuries ago already knew that earth wasn`t flat.
People have known the Earth was round long before Columbus.

The whole Columbus story as taught in 'murican elementary schools is a complete crock of shit.

Eratosthenes proved the Earth was round before Jesus died.

- Bug`s Bunny proved that earth was round too.
The audacity of those dumb flat earth`s to think the greatest cartoon character of all time would lie to me.

That`s the same people that think South Park is funny.:mad: