Crime White Supremacist Rally V.3 Aftermath

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White supremacists are going to get hurt, badly. This is not a door you people want to open. Nobody is on your side, and nobody is going to tolerate you becoming a violent force again. This ends with you dead or in prison. Every time you stick your heads up. Back in your holes, scum.
Apparently "the nazis lost get over it" isn't working.
If it hasn't already begun I guarantee you the next meme to hit youtube is going to be kids walking around punching "nazis"

They'll probably walk up to someone, ask them some question they won't be able to answer "correctly" and they'll be sucker punched.

Hate to say it but it's gonna be my people's (black folks) starting this, then useful white guilt kids will follow suit. It's coming.

Christ, you have more ethnicities than southoftheandes did.
Although I find them to be pathetic and hateful personally, they most certainly have a right to exist. They also have a right to demonstrate as they attempted to do so. They have the right to hate people if that's their view and express that opinion.

Now the fact that they are detestable does not give anyone the right to assault them. They had the right and permission to be where they were, the left did not. The minute a blm or antifa maced someone, or threw something at someone, or attacked them in anyway, they have every right to defend themselves. That's the right of every American and you don't check those rights at the door because you are protesting.

If the left didn't show up heavily armed to counter protest I'm convinced nobody would have been harmed. The left was the catalyst. They provoke. .. they assault. .. they blockade. ... and now they are playing the victim.

I hope it goes with out saying that I'm not including the murderous psycho who mowed people down. I'm talking about all the violent clashes prior to that event. The left used the same tactics at trump rallies. Force someone to defend themselves and the media will do their part by painting it as right wing violence.
Thank god someone is standing up for nazis. So brave.
Yeah because having your brothers and sisters lynched and hung simply for existing, being attacked by police dogs and beaten by police, being sprayed with water hoses etc all for wanting to be acknowledged as equal to your fellow Americans isn't fighting tooth and nail.


That's not too difficult to contend with.

1. There was no widespread "lynching for simply existing" phenomenon in the US. There were definitely gruesome and isolated cases of that, but small in number. Lynching was a practice of the vigilante attempts at law enforcement in the abandonment/chaos of the post-war South. The vast majority were accused of (at the time) serious crimes. While the nature of vigilantism means that inevitably some lynchings were committed via corruption/framing/sheer racism, you are lying by comparing it to the Yazidi situation.

2. The numbers: About 3,500 (subtracting whites) over the course of a century. Note that a minority were likely to be unprovoked hate crimes compared to a greater number of desperate responses to the post-war crime epidemic, but lets ignore that and use the full quantity. Conveniently, about 3,500 more white black are murdered by black people in the US per decade than the other way around, and those aren't in response to accused crimes in the ruins of a warzone, they are just interracial slayings. So if you're "keeping score" I guess you need to switch teams and start shouting about white power.

The key element you're ignoring is that the only ethnic group to ever be permanently 'demoted' by American society were the Natives. Africans have been upwardly mobile without interruption. You are complaining not about 'America's treatment of blacks' so much as that this upward mobility didn't happen quickly enough, that it took place in intervals, that in a fantasy world slaves would have been purchased from African slavers as an act of financially impossible altruism and immediately assimilated. Even then, US slavery accounted for such a tiny % of world slavery that this act of fantasy altruism wouldn't have accomplished much, so there's also an element of you envisioning America back then as the omnipotent political/cultural force it is today.

In summary I am not denying that oppression has existed in American society, but compared to virtually every other country on the planet, we are forced to squint a bit more to find it and sometimes the cartoonish exaggerations marginalize real 'tooth and nail' resistance and genocide abroad. I mean your #2 issue being protesters sprayed by water hoses kinda illustrates that?
while i dont agree with the one on the right, i dont see how those are mutually exclusive

example, guy sucks at job interview. cries racism. company hires him over a more qualified white person to avoid being called racist.

again, id ont think the reverse-racism has reached a point where a significant amount of white people are being affected daily. just saying that meme is dumb
Cause you aren't as universally liked as you think and because race and genetics are real. The conquers sperm make you a minority and your women will pass on increasingly non-white seeds thereby making you go the way the native americans did.

Sweet!!!! We found lekloks new account!!!
OK you posted this picture. It doesn't change that the counter protestors started throwing rocks and macing people first. I'm sure some of the white identitarians wanted to fight, but the commies started the riot. Don't forget that. Also remember that the police broke up the gathering and funneled everyone into antifa/ BLM then left.

LOL at the counter protesters starting the violence.

Like when peaceful student protesters were surrounded and had tiki torches thrown at them and maced?
I do so dearly wish that most of today's American populous could get a taste of a years worth of

1. Real Nazi Fascism
2. Soviet Era Communism
3. Iranian style Islamic theocracy
4. Mao style Communism
5. Venenzuela's current Socialist utopia.

Just run them back to back. Five years of socio-political fun.
Apparently "the nazis lost get over it" isn't working.
These poor little e-warrior and community college shits they're recruiting have no idea what they're getting themselves into. They have this fantasy that there's a white race that's some kind of sleeping dragon, and if they can just argue well enough on the internet, it will manifest itself, and they won't get curbstomped when they face the real America.
Of course they have a right to exist. They exist out of backlash. That is why Trump won. White guilt, reverse racism, black history month no white history month, statues being taken down and defaced, shrinking white birth rates. Whites have been ignored for 50 years. The chichens have come home to roost.
If someone was throwing up the "roman salute", saying heil hitler, and dropping the N word at a bar or a school or something.

Would you dudes justify punching him in the face?
Would not surprise me in the least if this whole thing was orchestrated. From the statues being taken down, to the rally being organized, to the counter protesters, to the stand down order.
Paid Trump crisis actors
Of course they have a right to exist. They exist out of backlash. That is why Trump won. White guilt, reverse racism, black history month no white history month, statues being taken down and defaced, shrinking white birth rates. Whites have been ignored for 50 years. The chichens have come home to roost.
They have a right to exist drinking in garage bands and beating their girlfriends.
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