Paulie DESTROYING McGregor on twitter!!! Conor is 0-2 this weekend

Release the fucking sparring video you fucking red headed joghurt faced cowards.
Paulie comes off like a bitch again.
Lmao Connor isn't anywhere near the level of Amir Khan and using that as an argument piece just shows the level of delusion going on around here.

Never said he was. Conor could never be the boxer that Amir Khan is.
Whats he bragging about?

He acts like floyd winning was some personal victory for him.

That fight didn't show that paulie could beat conor, it showed that floyd could beat conor

Kinda like getting TKO'd is now a moral victory for Connor
Paulie is still the bronze medalist in the Floyd, Conor, Paulie trio.
He came off worse than anybody in this whole thing. Now he gets to go back to his real life where nobody gives a shit to interview him.

"Security treating me like a fan"

Thats cause nobody knows who the fuck you are dude.
LOL what are you doing im a fighter im not a fan im a fighter!
The people that thought Conor was going to knockout Floyd was the people who just started watching UFC because of Conor around 2014-2015. I like Conor and was rooting for him a lil more because I'm a hardcore mma fan and just a casual boxing fan, but I already knew it was going to be 50-0. Props to Conor tho, he won atleast 3-4 rounds and got paid a big fat fkin paycheck. Still a fan and will always be. Now, I want to see the whole 12 rounds of paulie vs Conor, both of their sparring sessions. I beleive paulie landed good shots on Conor and wasn't a "12 round beating" that Dana white said. Funny how people thought paulie got destroyed by Conor from a 30 sec video when they actually fought twice for 12 rounds. Lol
He did not win 3 or 4 rounds. B he only won one. The first round.
This asshole had zero business being on the broadcast. I have zero dog n this fight but no way he should have been in the panel. I want unbiased guys calling fights and his butthurt ass being involved was ridiculous.
LOL it's his job to not be biased when commentating.
Are you new or something?

The MMA only fans don't watch other sports and are used to having Rogan gargle the balls off every flavor of the month. Please forgive.

Paulie bless.
Those tweets sound like the concussion talking. Someone call an ambulance for Paulie, he must still have bleeding on the brain.
Oh my god, give it a rest. So many people trying to build their name up by using McGregor's name. Cringeworthy.
It's all levels... just like Conor used Mayweather's name to get to the next level.
WTF is paulie talking about now. Conor just made it 10 rounds in his boxing debut against the p4p best boxer, and won 4 rounds. Does anyone remeber this?

Moron he made it 10 rounds cause Floyd was asleep the first 4. If he was in with Canelo, GGG or Cotto he'd have been whooped off the bat. He was given 4 rounds to do whatever he wants against a smaller, weaker, older guy with shorter reach and instead was finished by someone who hasn't had a proper ko in 10 years.