Walking Dead Season 8 Thread (NO SPOILERS)

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Didn't they already burn through a fuck ton of people. I feel like this is like the old goldeneye n64 game where the bad guys would just keep respawning.

Yep, and someone put inserted the unlimited ammo cheat code
These Mexican standoff thing is getting so fucken annoying
I knew Ezekiel looked familiar

Oh shit that was a cool shot. Daryl tailing behind!
Daryl is completely fine after wiping out on a motorcycle at what....like 90 mph?
The fuck? A couple slow ass zombies can take out a tiger?
Oh well, at least we'll finally see what happens with Negan and his lieutenants next episode
I might have forgiven that episode if they killed off Ezekiel, but instead they wanted to save $ on the CGI budget
If the show is going to CGI the bullets hitting the vehicles, at least create bullet holes or shattered glass effects
So another week I don’t have to watch? Good.
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