Is this fake news about Conor

is normal.

coke whores are always fighting people for no reason.
Champ champ needs to get back in training. Now I see why Kavanagh said he needs to be in the gym.
Wouldnt be the first time he smacked someone he shouldn't have in a bar
Fair point- hence why u don’t often see this in MMA. But then there are also rules in MMA so there will be things which may not work in a real fight either...
Sure, but it’s hard to act like mma isn’t closer to a real fight than boxing
True or not, Conor is a bit of a mess right now. He cashed out big against Floyd and even came out stronger for it because everyone in the MMA world thought he did a good job and did himself proud yet he doesn't seem to want to fight anymore, I am guessing because he isn't going to get paid 100 million anymore and I think he has noticed that MMA can go on perfectly fine with our without him, especially with GSP coming back and winning another belt, giving us one of the best MMA events (not ufc, mma in general) in recent memory, this shit was like Pride 10 all over again.

I remember Conor instantly putting out instagram pictures of him with his two belts, the moment GSP won. And of course, Aldo lost again, making his win less special, also everyone thinks he is ducking the stronger fighters in his division and he probably knows he can't beat them all.

It's like things haven't been as great after the fight as he thought they would be. I sure as hell don't see Conor as big of a deal as I did back when I flew to vegas just to see him fight Aldo. I've only been two 3 ufc events in my life, I don't even live in the USA, yet Conor vs Aldo felt like something I had to go to. No Conor fight has that feeling anymore, not after him losing to Nate diaz and barely beating him in a rematch then being a sparring partner for Floyd Mayweather only to have shit theatrics in another event, pushing a ref around, etc.

I don't know, the man just seems like he is losing it.

This could very well be fake btw, I am not basing all of this on the instagram rumor, I've felt this for a while
And Apparently The Guy, Ryan, is Involved With Gang Members. . I'd say McGregor Pays Them Off So They Don't Press Charges Or Go To The Media

Fake news! Gang members don't press charges.
You gave a poor guy with an inferiority complex a shit ton of money.

How did we not expect this to happen?

Next up is the public affair he has with an IG chick while Dee is at home with Conor Jr.
Dude will do absolutely anything to get out of defending that belt against Ferguson.

Talk about getting beaten to the punch Conor looked out of his element and league...
yeah there was a big thread but it got wastelanded so it's probably bullshit.
Well, stuff like this should certainly put a stop to those 'Conor McGregor is coked out of his gourd now' suggestions.
A gangster is a gangster in any nation. All it takes is to fuck with the wrong person...