Elections Alabama Special Senate Election Live Results Thread


Use your big boy words
Yea, a child is also physically ready to go to work in a factory at the age of 6 or so. Yet for some strange reason we don't allow that either. Must be all that crazy science denial by unhinged leftists.

Working is not a biological function in case you hadn't noticed
Use your big boy words
Being 30 years old while wanting to date teenagers and being a good guy were mutually exclusive, even in those days. Mature adults cruising high schools for dates has never in the modern history of evaluating a man's character been anything other than a huge red flag.
Wait, wait, wait!!

You guys are debating if it's okay to lay pipe down on a girl who just had her first period..

Holy shit, the Moore you know...
The period is a sign of fertility and sexual maturity in the vast majority of women. It pretty much is the only way to tell without a medical examination. Im not sure what is so interesting.

Keep claiming the moral high ground while denying biology

So according to you a 10 year old girl who has gotten her period (not uncommon) is ready for intercourse and you would be ok morally with your 16 year old daugter dating a 30 year old man.....
I see your name in a whole new light
This is an interesting fall guy.

Not sure it's as a fall woman. There's a bunch of stuff from September on Kelly pushing out omarosa and cutting her access to Trump.

Supposedly she wasn't doing outreach so much as just riling the president up about drama, which would disrupt various meetings unrelated to the drama. Her access got cut in September.

At the time, the usual idiots called it fake news. Looks like it wasn't.
Can we sticky this thread forever? It's just a flawless example of Trumpsters being human garbage. I think I'm gonna print all 41 pages out and make them into Christmas cards.
@oleDirtyBast4rd a 12 y/o body maybe coming into maturity ( not fully sexually mature yet), but the mental aspects are not there. Children at that age are not ready to make decisions to support a child in this day and age. We certainly don't want childern that young trying to have jobs to support the needs of childern. Most people can see that. It really is a bad look to be trying to defend people who actively go after girls at such an age.
Pedophilia refers to prepubescent children. The more you know!

Keep digging..

Singaporeans outraged over 'too lenient' four-year jail sentence for American pedophile, 39, who had sex with underage girls, 15.

A banker who was snared by pedophile hunters trying to meet a 16-year-old girl for sex has been jailed for 15 months.

The former priest will, however, have to register as a sex offender and begin 10 years of supervised probation. He will be barred from having contact with children under the age of 16.

“Congressman Anthony Weiner was recently sentenced to 21 months in custody after he convinced a 15-year-old to produce child pornography,”
Lol call a sexually matured 16 year old a kid if it bolsters your weak ass argument
11-16 year olds are children, yes. Having a period doesn't change that. The fact that the children you want to bang can be impregnated doesn't make you less of a degenerate pervert.
Being 30 years old while wanting to date teenagers and being a good guy were mutually exclusive, even in those days. Mature adults cruising high schools for dates has never in the modern history of evaluating a man's character been anything other than a huge red flag.

Federal consent laws disagree with you
Guys please stop engaging this sicko. A mod has already advised the thread is derailing.

Don't get sucked into this gross troll's derailing. It's a common tactic used by these trolls that will result in dubz or worse. He would be happy to take a ban if he could get a bunch of other people dubbed or worse along with him.
So according to you a 10 year old girl who has gotten her period (not uncommon) is ready for intercourse and you would be ok morally with your 16 year old daugter dating a 30 year old man.....
I see your name in a whole new light

There are outliers of course in regards to morality, but biology doesnt lie. Sexual maturity is sexual maturity. The fact you need to go to extremes to aid your argument is telling.

Tell me more about how 16 year olds haven't gone through puberty lol