Trump doesn't want immigrants from s***hole countries

On topic though, Donald Trump is a racist piece of shit, and an embarrassment to my country. I hope Mueller breaks him soon, this is getting tedious.
So you calling Alabama a shithole makes you a racist?
I don't even know which one of you I agree with but this is a pissweak response.

I don't care who you agree with. All I know is I'm not arguing with someone that 1. doesn't know what a visa is and how it applies to citizenship, 2. someone that thinks a "good number" of a group shows itself at "any" school, 3. ah.... this isn't worth it.

If you care to have a discussion on where I'm wrong, feel free. I just wouldn't advise insulting me then stating a bunch of incorrect or unverifiable, anecdotal bullshit then telling me I'm wrong. You'll just get embarrassed like the poster I responded to almost always does in the WR.
Because he should play a Long game and not sacrifice potential Allies by calling them names.

Its like you feel him calling them shithole countries enlightened vast numbers of people about them, when saying "less developed" or similar would have left people unsure as to how good Haiti is.

I want leaders to be direct clear and to not offend other nations for literally no gain. These are not incompatible requirements.

You do understand that politicians talk different in private. Difference today is nothing can be said in private.

Was it a stupid thing to say to the opposing party. Yes. Was it racist. No way in hell
So someone saying a state or country is a shithole is bigoted?
That is not all he said. Also he has a history of this type of shit. He even has a tape of him saying the N word and he called Lil John an Uncle Tom.
Trump has a history of saying and doing things that show he is a bit of a bigot.

Don't get me wrong I think the guy can be potentially extremely dangerous. For instance, he just released the flood gates on local PD's getting equipment our military uses overseas, which Obama was trying to hold off on (something I'm frankly fucking shocked to see no one on here mentioning).

And I'm up for a correction here, but does anything specific come to mind? Was this "shit-hole" comment one of those things? Is it untrue?
That is not all he said. Also he has a history of this type of shit. He even has a tape of him saying the N word and he called Lil John an Uncle Tom.
Can you post the tape of him saying the N word
Don't get me wrong I think the guy can be potentially extremely dangerous. For instance, he just released the flood gates on local PD's getting equipment our military uses overseas, which Obama was trying to hold off on (something I'm frankly fucking shocked to see no one on here mentioning).

And I'm up for a correction here, but does anything specific come to mind? Was this "shit-hole" comment one of those things? Is it untrue?

He has a history of racist like antics so if he calls these places shitholes and says we dont need more Hatians he is automatically suspect. Many sides too

He has a history of racist like antics so if he calls these places shitholes and says we dont need more Hatians he is automatically suspect. Many sides too

If that's the case, then why the fascade of extending an olive branch out to the AA community? He's the most powerful man in the world.
Different culture, hard to judge.

Hard, but not impossible. There is an objective moral standard, which some cultures grossly trespass, and which have absolutely no place taking refuge or otherwise in our Western culture.
Some of you guys are playing an ignorant game of semantics..

“We don’t want immigrants from shitholes like Haiti,el Salvador,etc.
But we will take Norwegians “

Lol,either trump is a racist and this is a not so discreet jab at minority countries...or trump is an idiot for saying something as wreckless as that and not realizing just how racist it would come off.

I believe the answer lies somewhere right in the middle.(pun intended).

He has a history of racist like antics so if he calls these places shitholes and says we dont need more Hatians he is automatically suspect. Many sides too

No, seriously. Can you post the actual video.

I could say you called a 3 year old black kid the N Word. But I'd need something to back it up
Post one instance of anyone doing that. You constantly make up shit that posters never said, and then post like it's a fact. Show one example from that thread that backs up your assertion. I'll wait.


Yes, absolutely. Put every last one of these worthless hicks to the sword, burn it to the ground and salt the goddamn earth.

You can shut the fuck up now, Mr President.