Video. My muay thai fight from 2002

Frode Falch

Steel Belt
Professional Fighter
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score

A highlight video from a fight in 2002

I am getting old as fuck.
Damn you were a skinny mofo then

I dunno why but when I see 2000-2004 I still think it was only 6 years ago, and 2010 still feels like 2 years ago. WTF

Was this your pro debut? You look alot more controlled and mature these days. Never seen someone had so much fun in a fight before
Yeah i was 63 kg. Never fought mt before.. Only Sanda and wing chun
why did you hold back on that spinning kick to the head? it looked like you pulled it. That could have been a KO!
He was my friend. We fought because two fights was canceled that night.
He was my friend. We fought because two fights was canceled that night.

I havent been matched against a friend, but I have become freinds with a few of the guys I have fought afterwards.
Yeah i guess. But my body felt beat up the day after.

Manosh could probably have killed me if he went into clinch mode.

He was 285 - 12 with many KOs from clinch rapes.
Yeah i was 63 kg. Never fought mt before.. Only Sanda and wing chun
shoulda used the good'ol chain punch ;)
actually, have you actually ever used it for real?
Used it a few times in mma style sparring. But just a quick burst. 4-5 punches .

I even use some elements from chi sao in the clinch.
Nice kicks man. Is it me or smh it looks to me like some of those kicks we not power kicks or not fully committed somehow, but the last seconds was tenser.
I wanna do a pro Thai fight so bad. I'm thinking about doing one especially before I turn pro in MMA. how brutal do they/ or can they get?




Dude that makes my shin ache just thinking about that lol I see no point in slamming your shin into concrete, conditioning is nice, but that's just a wee bit overboard in my eyes.

it was in a movie, so it must be true!