Opinion Why are people angry at white privilege being real?


Plutonium Belt
Jul 19, 2010
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Or a product exclusively of American origin? anyone in Mexico will tell you that having white skin is better than brown, and in 2017 a study demonstrate the obvious.

Being white is strongly correlated to education and wealth.


That's one of the reasons i also chuckle at the white genocide crowd, whites becoming a minority will only make whites more desirable, as it happen in most of latin America.
People will always defend themselves when poked and prodded. Everyone.
I have low expectations for this thread. Prove me wrong War Room.
People will always defend themselves when poked and prodded. Everyone.

We live in a western world, with western beauty standards and western culture. Things arent going to change overnight.
It's in the same vein of why people got mad with the Obama "You didn't build that" clip.

They interpret it as you saying they are only successful because they are white and not because or hard work.

There's bit of victimhood involved and individual exceptionalism.
They can't accept that white people don't hold all the power anymore. They still hold most of it but not all.
We live in a western world, with western beauty standards and western culture. Things arent going to change overnight.

Who wants to change?
People just want others to change. So everyone accuses and everyone defends. Idk, it's simple to me.
This is definitely a result of Russian propaganda.
Latin America whites emulate America which is majority white. Latin America whites are not the majority like in America. It's different.

What we have in the U.S. is majority privilege not white privilege. When you are the top dog country in the world where everyone wants to be like you there is going to be a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred. It's a natural human way of life and never EVER in the history of mankind have minorities and women been seen as complete equals in a society as they are in the USA until now.

People want more. People want reasons for them sucking, or for not succeeding. It's not whites holding you back, it's yourselves. The world, not just Latin America, want to be lighter skin color due to America's dominance with a white majority. It's natural whether you all want to admit it or not.

There is no melting pot in the world on this scale as there is in America, especially where people get along so well. The white privilege thing is something that is spewed by a small amount of people compared to most people, regardless of race or color, who believe in actually getting by on your own merit and not worrying about what someone else of another color or race is doing. These people that are constantly thinking about other races in general like that are the problem and create disruption for others with this. Most people just want to live and aren't stuck in some silly racial bubble like this.

Majority privilege > white privilege
Because people believe the word "privilege" denotes some form of guilt toward them. One, in this case, that they can't control(you can't choose your race, although Dolezal almost got away with it). People don't like being put into condition they can't control(sorry for the people that don't get the irony here).

Furthermore, most white people are hard working lower-middle to lower class individuals. So, when they hear "white privilege", they take it as, "you don't work for what you have and didn't earn anything". Which is not what the term means at all, but makes them feel slighted and, in return, defensive.
I think the problem is the people who want to tell someone they've enjoyed white privilege also criticize the stereotyping of any other races or groups. That and it diminishes the efforts and accomplishments of the individual without having any idea what that person has gone through.
Or a product exclusively of American origin? anyone in Mexico will tell you that having white skin is better than brown, and in 2017 a study demonstrate the obvious.

Being white is strongly correlated to education and wealth.


That's one of the reasons i also chuckle at the white genocide crowd, whites becoming a minority will only make whites more desirable, as it happen in most of latin America.
The people are so angry about it, because the traditional advantage of being white in Western countries is diminishing. To me, this is what actual "White Fragility" is. There is a large contingent of white people(particularly in the US, and particularly poor and uneducated) who see the loss of their historic privilege as an attack on "whiteness".

This is where all the, "White Genocide" nonsense is coming from. People who can't cut it, are finally seeing that they won't be able to have an advantaged position by using their "Old Boy's Club" anymore. So, their brain(thanks to cognitive dissonance) buys 100% into what people like Spencer, Le Pen, or Trump are selling.

1. Immigrants bad.
2. People who point out racism and historic injustice are the real racists.
3. Globalist(read Jews) are intentionally flooding their countries with muslims(the most currently demonized of the non-white).
4. Any attempt to correct historic injustice, or historically ingrained prejudiced thinking is actually White Genocide.
5. If we just close ourselves off, we can go back to(insert fake era of utopia).

It's really sad, and I'm legitimately concerned for the future.

Reactionaries are almost always very dangerous. They're irrational, and don't think.
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Latin America whites emulate America which is majority white. Latin America whites are not the majority like in America. It's different.

What we have in the U.S. is majority privilege not white privilege. When you are the top dog country in the world where everyone wants to be like you there is going to be a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred. It's a natural human way of life and never EVER in the history of mankind have minorities and women been seen as complete equals in a society as they are in the USA until now.

People want more. People want reasons for them sucking, or for not succeeding. It's not whites holding you back, it's yourselves. The world, not just Latin America, want to be lighter skin color due to America's dominance with a white majority. It's natural whether you all want to admit it or not.

There is no melting pot in the world on this scale as there is in America, especially where people get along so well. The white privilege thing is something that is spewed by a small amount of people compared to most people, regardless of race or color, who believe in actually getting by on your own merit and not worrying about what someone else of another color or race is doing. These people that are constantly thinking about other races in general like that are the problem and create disruption for others with this. Most people just want to live and aren't stuck in some silly racial bubble like this.

Majority privilege > white privilege

See this is an example of Palis making himself a victim.

When you try to explain the history of institutional racism and how it still has an effect on people today he gets upset because he thinks you're being envious of his abilities instead of pointing out that he may have gotten a head start in a sense.
Because people believe the word "privilege" denotes some form of guilt toward them. One, in this case, that they can't control(you can't choose your race, although Dolezal almost got away with it). People don't like being put into condition they can't control(sorry for the people that don't get the irony here).

Furthermore, most white people are hard working lower-middle to lower class individuals. So, when they hear "white privilege", they take it as, "you don't work for what you have and didn't earn anything". Which is not what the term means at all, but makes them feel slighted and, in return, defensive.

Fair enough, seems like the issue is that its being framed as "its wrong to be white" as opposed to "Its ok to be brown".
The only reason I find it offensive is that it assumes I got to where I am or had it easier on the basis of my skintone as opposed to the time and effort I put in.
It’s a really stupid term that leaves itself open to all sorts of interpretations. People use it to diminish and attack “while people” and absolutely undercut their own cause. On the other side of the coin people feel it’s completely undermining them and all of their accomplishments by making light of the their personal struggle.
That we have expended so much time and righteous political capital to try and create a color blind society, that wishing to shame those who are different because their culture has been in power so long is a sad wish for humanity.

As well, Mexico and the United States have such a differing view of race, culture, economic success, and social class that any comparison between the two is best done to see the differences.

I am by no means an expert on race and culture in Mexico, however, in the United States save for a few enclaves of the deep south, a man would be hard pressed to find someone who hates or loathes him based on his skin pigment.

What still exists is a primary culture, a "white" culture derived from the Anglo-Saxon and German, Irish, and Western European tradition that held primacy for a long long time.

Built on a different Revolutionary page, polluted from another divide of slavery, and for the most part a wildly successful experiment of culture in most ways we might measure success.

For all that has been done, good or bad, that so many people in the United States dislike the "other" for their culture is regrettable, and attempts to understand should always be available.

The label of "white privileged" though is tragic attempt to divide, shame, and stratify people who are better living their lives than being told how to live by a national state or community apparatchik.

Be free, live well, and treat all people with kindness, dignity, and equality, then there is less need for division, and better less need for the elite quarters of government to want to socially engineer favor and foreboding among cultures.
I think the problem is the people who want to tell someone they've enjoyed white privilege also criticize the stereotyping of any other races or groups. That and it diminishes the efforts and accomplishments of the individual without having any idea what that person has gone through.

If an ugly chick and a pretty girl, both work equally hard in life i can assure you that the pretty girl will most likely get more opportunities just because she is pretty.

White privilege in the end is about aesthetics.