Ray Borg going to hospital because can't open eye due to shrapnel

How many people were sitting next to that window?

But seriously this is getting worse by the minute. What the hell was conor thinking.

I don't think it was just one window. Dana said trash cans, bike racks, and a dolly hit the bus.
Ray Borg trying to get paid, dudes a fraud.
what an embarrassment . I hope he is charged with trespassing, destruction of property, assault,vandalism, Hopefully one is a felony so he and is thugs wont be allowed back into the country
More than that, I don't see how its just for him to avoid doing time for this. If I threw handtrucks at a bus window and injured them with flying glass, I'm pretty sure I would.
It was bad enough when Conor wouldn't get in the octagon himself, but I never imagined that he would prevent others from fighting as well.
Sad to see a once famous celeb go down the spiral to nothingness.
Or maybe he is really injured because some coked up jackass threw a dolly through a glass window with real human beings on the other side.
Maybe. 70/30 against it.
Ray Borg trying to get a red panty night
I like Conor, but I hope he learns his lesson for this and compensates whoever got hurt from that mess
he needs to get prosecuted and suspended
I really dont think he meant for all this and just wanted to get away looking like a bad ass, but people got hurt and hurt their pockets at no fault of their own
all he did was throw a dolly at the bus it's not like he shot an rpg at it
Haha, he just gave the UFC his entire check from the Mayweather fight, and that does not even include the amounts he will be paying the fighters, security personnel, and others who were injured. Back to the end of the Govt tit line for Mcg, fucking hilarious!
I don't think it was just one window. Dana said trash cans, bike racks, and a dolly hit the bus.

Ok, i was going off that one video where he throws the dolly at the window. That explains it.
I'm waiting for Honda to denounce him.
The responses in this thread are why celebrities always get off scot-free. No one ever holds them accountable.

"Yea Conor smashed up a bus and hurt a few people...but I like his fights...so Ray should shut up!"
Good job Conor, your juvenile antics hurt another mans earnings and health. Hope he gets sued so bad he has to return to fighting and gets run through by Khabib, Tony and Max.
It must suck to have a piece of glass scratch your eyeballs every time you blink.
lol@ all the cucks who love the fact that wealthy celebrities can virtually get away with murder as long as their star is still shinning, meanwhile us lowly plebs will go to jail and be charged with multiple counts felony burglary for taking food from a grocery store.

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