White Giraffes.


Black Belt
Jul 28, 2013
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Ok this is a little old i suppose, but these giraffes look so nice i thought just in case some of us haven't seen a white giraffe before i'd post this video. First time i've ever seen giraffes like this.

Only just discovered that twitter account above, 'Nature is Amazing' and i just can't stop looking at all the videos, most are so cute and interesting.
The otter standing up in the water is so funny.
nice middle class forest
They feel the guilt
I originally saw the video here, great pics and stories to make one smile.
Don't smile too much as he is on his way.

Perfect my sister has AIDS so if I kill one of these patriarchal penis-aggressor giraffes and she drinks the blood, she will be cured.
Perfect my sister has AIDS so if I kill one of these patriarchal penis-aggressor giraffes and she drinks the blood, she will be cured.

Dude, I told you to use a condom when banging your sister cause of your AIDS!
Dude, I told you to use a condom when banging your sister cause of your AIDS!
She would have known I have AIDS if I'd wanted to use a condom. Plus it would steal my pleasure.
I'm almost certain if he wasn't a Trump he'd be in some Aryan prison gang

Why? Because he supported an African village for 6 months with the money he paid to legally harvest an elephant?

Strange logic...