Is it possible to not be distracted by these things???


Jan 25, 2018
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Seriously, we are built to love this things and they feed us and send us to new heights. There are some of these on women that you give zero fucks what their face looks like.

Do you really need to ask? They're tits. We start life feeding from them, spend most of our lives trying to touch them, and end life wishing we could still could.

Thinly veiled attempt to ID homosexuals.
Only if you're a homosexual male.
LOL when I read the thread title, tits were the first thing that popped into my mind.

Of course I could read the Bible and have the same thing happen
This may surprise you, but I too am not above checking out some nice tittays.
Not taking a good peek into a nice pair is a direct offence to your instincts. Let them know that you appreciate that rack.
I seriously love tits.

When I see them, I think, "how can I touch them?"

When I'm touching them, I think, "how can I touch them more?" Then I use my other hand, and face, and chest.. so that I'm touching them with as much surface area as I can.

And while all that is going on, the only thing going through my mind is, "now how do I get another chick to press her tits into my back so I'm in a tit sandwich?"

They're just bags of fat. I wish they didn't have this power over me but they do.
Were you too distracted to provide more examples? It really doesn't feel like you put as much effort into this as you could have.