Diet help


Gold Belt
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
I'm a 36 year old male, 5'10" 175-180lbs. I'm fit. I can run a 10k at a sub 8min mile. I can bench 325 lbs. I work out 6 days a week for 60-90 minutes. I eat fairly well. I usually make myself 3 scrambled eggs or have a bowl of imitation Special K for breakfast if I'm in a rush.

I've typically made my lunches consisting of about a half a cup of brown rice or quinoia (can't do quinoia anymore since I had an elergic reaction) a full chicken breast, and about a cup of a random vegetable. If I didn't have time to make lunch I usually have Subway. My dinner varies but I eat a lot of Blue Apron when I'm at my girlfriend's house or I'll make myself a steak or some other meat with a side of fruit or veggies. I occasionally partake in devouring an entire large pizza myself or some other indulgent meal but this is rare like once every two weeks. I drink usually a beer a night, typically a pint of a nice IPA. I feel good and like I make reasonable effort to eat well and exercise.

Well I had a physical in March and my blood sugar level came back a little high. I've retested twice now and no changes, it's still slightly high (108-112 range after fasting). My doctor tells me I'm at a low risk now of getting diabetes if I'm not careful. He wants me to see a dietician but I think it's ridiculous. I'm all about being healthier but I think it's something I can do myself.

What I'm looking for are some recommendations for high calorie/ high protein meals I can eat while cutting out grains and sugar as much as possible. Any suggestions are appreciated. My goals for now are to cut out the cereal and drink less.
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How stressed are you? I was "pre diabetic" a few years ago and I was feeling hypoglycemic often. Having the shakes and everything. I was in my mid 20s, had a somewhat normal diet, not at all overweight and so on but I was in a bad spot in life so I was very stressed. Turns out stress has an effect on that too. Anyway, my doctor gave me some medication and told me to eliminate sweets from my diet. I also started eating more whole grain food and started to manage my stress levels. I'm not sure how long exactly but around 9-12 months later I was totally fine and it's been like that ever since. I don't have to watch my carbs or sugar consumption anymore either. It was definitely the stress causing it so I would look into that as well if I were you.
How stressed are you? I was "pre diabetic" a few years ago and I was feeling hypoglycemic often. Having the shakes and everything. I was in my mid 20s, had a somewhat normal diet, not at all overweight and so on but I was in a bad spot in life so I was very stressed. Turns out stress has an effect on that too. Anyway, my doctor gave me some medication and told me to eliminate sweets from my diet. I also started eating more whole grain food and started to manage my stress levels. I'm not sure how long exactly but around 9-12 months later I was totally fine and it's been like that ever since. I don't have to watch my carbs or sugar consumption anymore either. It was definitely the stress causing it so I would look into that as well if I were you.
I feel like I'm pretty low stress. I have a lot going on in my life and a very busy schedule but I don't really ever feel stressed.
How stressed are you? I was "pre diabetic" a few years ago and I was feeling hypoglycemic often. Having the shakes and everything. I was in my mid 20s, had a somewhat normal diet, not at all overweight and so on but I was in a bad spot in life so I was very stressed. Turns out stress has an effect on that too. Anyway, my doctor gave me some medication and told me to eliminate sweets from my diet. I also started eating more whole grain food and started to manage my stress levels. I'm not sure how long exactly but around 9-12 months later I was totally fine and it's been like that ever since. I don't have to watch my carbs or sugar consumption anymore either. It was definitely the stress causing it so I would look into that as well if I were you.
That makes a lot of sense. When you are stressed the increase in sympathetic activity will facilitate a greater release of cortisol. Cortisol breaks down proteins and fats into glucose (sugar) through something called glucogenesis which increases blood sugar levels. Same with high BP and so on, so many things can be leveled off by decreasing stress and increasing relaxation and wellness.

To the TS, not saying you are stressed though. However, finding relaxing activities to do a few times a week might help. Also, try switching out the beef with fish more often than not. Fish, including Omega-3, can increase insulin sensitivity meaning the glucose will better be transferred to your cells and away from the bloodstream. Also cutting out cereal and maybe keeping the beer to once or twice a week instead of every night sounds like a good place to start. Maybe switch up your veggies a bit and try other varieties.