Netflix Why Are You Offering Kiddie Porn???


The Last Iconoclast
Sep 19, 2017
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This is one of several tweets that recently went out in response to 'Desire.' Some of the responses supporting netflix on this are amazing. I am a gigantic supporter of free speech, but this would not be included.

Netflix has come under fire for a movie streaming on their site that some viewers say contains a scene that is child pornography.

The opening scene of the Argentinian film "Desire" depicts two young girls under the age of 10 playing around with pillows. The scene takes a sexual turn involving one of the girls....

And again, obviously there is no grand conspiracy pushing this crap on our world.
“Despair” is a film. When we see a shark eating a woman on film, no one thinks the woman really died or that the shark was real. We work in a world of fiction; and, for me, before being a director comes being a father.

Of course this scene was filmed using a trick, which was that the girls were copying a cowboy scene from a film by John Ford. The girls never understood what they were doing, they were just copying what they were seeing on the screen. No adult interacted with the girls, other than the child acting coach. Everything was done under the careful surveillance of the girls’ mothers. Because I knew this scene might cause some controversy at some point, there is “Making Of” footage of the filming of the entire scene.

Everything works inside the spectators’ heads, and how you think this scene was filmed will depend on your level of depravity -Film's director.
Nothing new.

Bastard out of Carolina
Hound Dog

All good films about dark and stomach churning events that happened to under-aged girls that served a story-telling purpose. If the scene in Desire is gratuitous with no real purpose other than to shock or serve other darker purposes, that's another deal altogether.
This is one of several tweets that recently went out in response to 'Desire.' Some of the responses supporting netflix on this are amazing. I am a gigantic supporter of free speech, but this would not be included.

Netflix has come under fire for a movie streaming on their site that some viewers say contains a scene that is child pornography.

The opening scene of the Argentinian film "Desire" depicts two young girls under the age of 10 playing around with pillows. The scene takes a sexual turn involving one of the girls....

And again, obviously there is no grand conspiracy pushing this crap on our world.

Don't watch Pretty Baby with Brooke Shields and Susan Sarandon.


I said think of them, not film them you pervs.
“Despair” is a film. When we see a shark eating a woman on film, no one thinks the woman really died or that the shark was real. We work in a world of fiction; and, for me, before being a director comes being a father.

Of course this scene was filmed using a trick, which was that the girls were copying a cowboy scene from a film by John Ford. The girls never understood what they were doing, they were just copying what they were seeing on the screen. No adult interacted with the girls, other than the child acting coach. Everything was done under the careful surveillance of the girls’ mothers. Because I knew this scene might cause some controversy at some point, there is “Making Of” footage of the filming of the entire scene.

Everything works inside the spectators’ heads, and how you think this scene was filmed will depend on your level of depravity -Film's director.
Nice save after making kiddie porn. Fuck's going on in this guy's head when he's writing the script and suddenly thinks "and then I bet these little girls would try to mimic the movie and bang each other"? Don't twist this around on viewers.

Does he realize porn is also meant to be fiction? That's not really the guy's stepmom who walked in on him jerking off, but they still actually fucked.
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Some content is best left unexplored. That's really all I got, if you think it might Push the line to far, that you make sure to release a making of scene, then you probably should skip the scene.
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LOL! Typical Leftie response!

Speaking of which, ever notice that these types of threads (thankfully, there aren’t many) usually lack the presence of some of The War Room’s most boisterous members?
Some content is best left unexplored. That's really all I got, if you think it might Push the line to far, that make sure to release a making of scene, then you probably should skip the scene.
So, you’re cool with them trying to tap dance their way around their reasoning for having such scenes?
Nothing new.

Bastard out of Carolina
Hound Dog

All good films about dark and stomach churning events that happened to under-aged girls that served a story-telling purpose. If the scene in Desire is gratuitous with no real purpose other than to shock or serve other darker purposes, that's another deal altogether.
I’ve never heard of ANY of those movies you mentioned.
So, you’re cool with them trying to tap dance their way around their reasoning for having such scenes?

I haven't watched the scene to know how bad it is, so I'm not sure if this is being blown out of proportion or not. I stand by the statement I made though.
I haven't watched the scene to know how bad it is, so I'm not sure if this is being blown out of proportion or not. I stand by the statement I made though.

a girl who's probably ten is pretending to ride a pillow like a horse because she's watching a cowboy movie and she has an orgasm. She's fully clothed, it's not graphic.
a girl who's probably ten is pretending to ride a pillow like a horse because she's watching a cowboy movie and she has an orgasm. She's fully clothed, it's not graphic.

Did it have a reason for being in the movie other than shock value?
Idk i turned it off after 20 minutes cause it sucked.
I haven't watched the scene to know how bad it is, so I'm not sure if this is being blown out of proportion or not. I stand by the statement I made though.
So, there’s levels to this...
Nice save after making kiddie porn. Fuck's going on in this guy's head when he's writing the script and suddenly thinks "and then I bet these little girls would try to mimic the movie and bang each other"? Don't twist this around on viewers.

Does he realize porn is also meant to be fiction? That's not really the guy's stepmom who walked in on him jerking off, but they still actually fucked.

I believe he's differentiating between legal and illegal more than anything.

Artsy movies with gratuitous sexual themes are not new. I've noticed that most of the comedy films these days use sexual humor almost exclusively. If anything, I would blame the mother of the girls who allowed them to participate, even while harmless at the time of shooting, the end result is not.

But aside from the obvious things to criticize, it's good to keep in mind what this film is not- It's not child pornography. There is a movie where a thirteen year old Brooke Shields plays a prostitute and is shown naked on screen. That is child pornography.