Crime Stormy Daniels arrested *UPDATE* charges dropped within 24 hours


Gold Belt
Dec 10, 2010
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According to her lawyer Michael Avenatti:

The attorney added in a follow-up post that he expected the adult film actress to be released on bail "shortly" and that she would be charged "with a misdemeanor for allowing 'touching.'"

"We will vehemently contest all charges," Avenatti said.

Avenatti told NBC News that he was of the understanding that there were multiple undercover vice officers in the club during Daniels' show. After the customer touched her, according to the attorney, those officers got up and arrested the performer on the spot.

Non-sexual manner you say? Lmao seriously though this sounds like some bullshit, these popo don't have anything better to do? Then again maybe it didn't go down anything at all like what Avenetti is saying.

UPDATE: the charges have been dropped already. What a popcorn fart this turned out to be

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She's like the Lenny Bruce of Porn Stars/ Featured Dancers.
Touching wasn't allowed so they arrested the woman who was touched?

Two years ago I wouldn't believe you if you say CNBC, a financial network created to cover the stock markets and business/tech news, will end up headlining stories about strippers.
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Anyone know of there's any cellphone footage of the arrest?

Not exactly the type of scene of pornstars wearing handcuffs I'm used to, but I'll eventually finish.
I doubt her lawyer is the mot trustworthy source of events but let's wait and see
Touching in a Non-sexual manner could be anything from a handshake, a hug, a tap or pat on the shoulder, or opening the door for her and gently placing your hand on her upper back.
Two years ago I wouldn't believe you if you say CNBC, a financial network created to cover the stock markets and business/tech news, will end up headlining stories about strippers and pornstars.

A pornstar the sitting PotUS has probably rawdogged, while being supported by the evangelicals at a 90% clip.

Yes. It's a weird timeline.
This whole case is super weird.

But no respect for privelleged modern western woman who choose to work in the sex trade.
Lol at Avinati talking about "set up and politically motivated". What goes around comes around buddy!!
I believe the lawyer.

Some pussy bitch ass cop, must of known she was coming and decided to go, create some trumped up charges and arrest her just because they are rustled that ahe is going after trump.
Trump should've banged Lisa Ann instead of this ugly bitch so nobody would've ever heard of her
Two years ago I wouldn't believe you if you say CNBC, a financial network created to cover the stock markets and business/tech news, will end up headlining stories about strippers and pornstars.
What outlet isn't covering this story?
Probably a PR stunt. People haven't been paying attention to the Daniels story lately.
I will be curios to see what the police say. This sounds odd but I am guessing we don't have all the facts yet.