PWD 618: Latina Summer time edition


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That's the thing with Becky. Either you get a bikini top and long pants, or booty shorts and vest top.

Always leave them wanting more. She's a smart girl. LTR will do well in middle school with her helping him with his homework.
If takedown doesn’t turn his decripit ass into dust first

Nobody with a judo background would take a bump like that.

First thing I always tell any girl when they start ski/snowboard lessons is - never try and stop a fall with your hand, land on your ass or shoulder.
Always leave them wanting more. She's a smart girl. LTR will do well in middle school with her helping him with his homework.

That's true. I remember when she started wearing what she does now, and I thought "Fucking hell, she's way too hot"
Nobody with a judo background would take a bump like that.

First thing I always tell any girl when they start ski/snowboard lessons is - never try and stop a fall with your hand, land on your ass or shoulder.

You are not a break fall expert, War.
We have a group of 50-ish year old judo guys that have a deal to use our gym on Friday nights before the BJJ class. They invited me (and other guys, I'm not special) to come train with them, but I'm pretty sure I'd shatter into a million pieces. I'd be in the ambulance barely audibly repeating "but I did a break fall" over and over again.
Nobody with a judo background would take a bump like that.

First thing I always tell any girl when they start ski/snowboard lessons is - never try and stop a fall with your hand, land on your ass or shoulder.

And I buy them an ass protector. You ain’t getting ass if it’s bruised.
You like the mouth wash smell from your dick, bro?

I’ve read this 10 times and I can’t figure out what it means.

My best guess was she used mouth wash then sucked my dick and then we start fucking and I can smell the mouth wash on her breath
Your average blue belt fat dad BJJ could submit Chuck or Bruce in a ring. Dudes wouldn’t know what to do vs a double leg or guard.
Bruce would one inch punch those dad bods into a coma.
I’ve read this 10 times and I can’t figure out what it means.

My best guess was she used mouth wash then sucked my dick and then we start fucking and I can smell the mouth wash on her breath
or you drank mouthwash and skeeted it out
We have a group of 50-ish year old judo guys that have a deal to use our gym on Friday nights before the BJJ class. They invited me (and other guys, I'm not special) to come train with them, but I'm pretty sure I'd shatter into a million pieces. I'd be in the ambulance barely audibly repeating "but I did a break fall" over and over again.

My trainer who is a red strip black belt fucker sometimes has a national team judo dude train with him after my bullshit time. Kid tosses him around while I’m still puking.
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