Nirvana or Led Zepplin who is >

Led Zeppelin by a wide margin.
Nirvana is the most overrated band in the history of time. Jimmy Page has more talent in his pinky, than Cobain had in his entire body.
Nirvana has never put out anything close to Physical Graffiti and I'm a big Nirvana fan.
Nirvana over Led Zepplin

This is a terrible opinion you should be legally required to stab both your eardrums out if
Jesus, the two aren't remotely comparable.
Zep was infinitely better, with a much wider range of styles and instruments, with each player having ten times the musical ability.
Nirvana isn't even the best grunge band
Nirvana is the most overrated band in the history of time. Jimmy Page has more talent in his pinky, than Cobain had in his entire body.
this is true....but then Jimmy didnt have the amount of charisma that Kurt had in his pinky finger

Zepplin all the way and its not even a fair contest lol

that being said Nirvana changed the entire course of music in their time and harkened in a new era....without ever trying to be famous
Nirvana for short period of time changed the musical landscape. Just imagine if Cobain lived to his prime, just imagine that.
Zep loses some points for some pretty blatant plagiarism, but overall they are the far better band.
I'm a big Nirvana fan but I have to say Led Zeppelin.
Zeppelin. Both are overrated but Nirvana is much more overrated.
Led Zeppelin and it's even a contest.

I like Nirvana. They were the last great rock band but Led Zeppelin is on another planet in comparison.
Nirvana made a few catchy songs, they put out one okay album and were big for 3 years max. They made decent, not great music, and were a flash in a pan.
They're best known for their emo singer killing himself, which says enough lol.

Led Zeppelin are among the greatest and most influential bands of all time. They made timeless music and consistently for 12 years. The band members are all virtuosos and among the greatest in their field.

Cobain isn't fit to spit shin Page and Plant's shoes. He was mediocre guitarist and singer and songwriter. The other Nirvana members are all bang average too. Bonham with foot on his bass drum has more talent than all Nirvana members combined and that's not an exaggeration.
Zeppelin hands down were better musicians. Nirvana isn't even the best band out of Seattle.

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