Political Predictions Thread


A new prediction from Farmer Br0wn that has a 100% chance on being true, and will likely happen on this very forum:

Because Trump derangement syndrome is such a perfect description of what the American left is currently going through, those on the left are going to overcompensate.

When a Democrat eventually gets elected (lets call this person "X" for now), even the most minor criticism of "X" will be called ""X" Derangement Syndrome".

You can always tell when an insult or description describes the left perfectly, because they always try to turn it around. Because those on the left hated being called triggered, the left now overcompensates by calling any disagreement with the left "being triggered".

In fact, I'll go so far as to say that @HomerThompson @Falsedawn @Fawlty and @Rational Poster will all use the term ""X" Derangement Syndrome" to describe a disagreement with a Democratic President.

Why did you think I give a shit about what you think?

A new prediction from Farmer Br0wn that has a 100% chance on being true, and will likely happen on this very forum:

Because Trump derangement syndrome is such a perfect description of what the American left is currently going through, those on the left are going to overcompensate.

When a Democrat eventually gets elected (lets call this person "X" for now), even the most minor criticism of "X" will be called ""X" Derangement Syndrome".

You can always tell when an insult or description describes the left perfectly, because they always try to turn it around. Because those on the left hated being called triggered, the left now overcompensates by calling any disagreement with the left "being triggered".

In fact, I'll go so far as to say that @HomerThompson @Falsedawn @Fawlty and @Rational Poster will all use the term ""X" Derangement Syndrome" to describe a disagreement with a Democratic President.
You're predicting that I'll use your own stupid phrases to make fun of you?

That's a lock.

A new prediction from Farmer Br0wn that has a 100% chance on being true, and will likely happen on this very forum:

Because Trump derangement syndrome is such a perfect description of what the American left is currently going through, those on the left are going to overcompensate.

When a Democrat eventually gets elected (lets call this person "X" for now), even the most minor criticism of "X" will be called ""X" Derangement Syndrome".

You can always tell when an insult or description describes the left perfectly, because they always try to turn it around. Because those on the left hated being called triggered, the left now overcompensates by calling any disagreement with the left "being triggered".

In fact, I'll go so far as to say that @HomerThompson @Falsedawn @Fawlty and @Rational Poster will all use the term ""X" Derangement Syndrome" to describe a disagreement with a Democratic President.

You have the worst thoughts.

Post them less.

Who gives a shit.
I predict by 2020 Trump will still be fat.
The investigation will end in ambiguity. Both sides will claim they were right, no one of importance gets in trouble.

Trump easily gets reelected.

Between, nxvm, snctm, and Hollywood, a major pedo network with big names will be taking down by 2020. (Way bigger than Allison Mack)

Iran makes another but better deal for the usa by 2022

First comprehensive immigration bill in a long time passes by 2023.

China has major internal struggles, moving towards collapse or defragmentation by 2030. (Probably much sooner, closer to 2025)

Massive war in Asia surrounding China, pulls in most asian powers as they salivate over China's corpse. By 2050

Roger Stone will not be convicted of any crimes for conspiracy to influence the 2016 election through coordination with Russia.
The GOP wins the House, Senate, Court, and 2020

It won’t even be close, sorry left, you done lost too many voters due to your retardedness
I predict Drump cultist in the war room will continue to defend their daddy no matter what
The GOP wins the House, Senate, Court, and 2020

It won’t even be close, sorry left, you done lost too many voters due to your retardedness
Adding to the OP.
Waiguoren likes his bets more than a drunk Apache at the OTB.

Robert Mueller's investigation will not conclude that Trump attempted to offer US policy concessions to Russia in exchange for access to the hacked DNC e-mails

If you dare challenge any of my predictions, I will be happy to take your signature via sigbet.
I'll bet you on this one in particular, motherfucker.
More or less just expecting a pretty severe shift to the left after all the bad press Trumps got. Expecting a large youth/diversity/minority turn out like what got Obama elected.
I would need something like "Dems will take/hold the House in 2020" or "At least three Young Turks-approved candidates will be elected to the Senate in 2022"
@waiguoren, why haven't you added my new prediction yet?


A new prediction from Farmer Br0wn that has a 100% chance on being true, and will likely happen on this very forum:

Because Trump derangement syndrome is such a perfect description of what the American left is currently going through, those on the left are going to overcompensate.

When a Democrat eventually gets elected (lets call this person "X" for now), even the most minor criticism of "X" will be called ""X" Derangement Syndrome".

You can always tell when an insult or description describes the left perfectly, because they always try to turn it around. Because those on the left hated being called triggered, the left now overcompensates by calling any disagreement with the left "being triggered".

In fact, I'll go so far as to say that @HomerThompson @Falsedawn @Fawlty and @Rational Poster will all use the term ""X" Derangement Syndrome" to describe a disagreement with a Democratic President.

If you're looking for a simplified version, something along the lines of "Democrats will try to turn around the Trump derangement syndrome insult at the earliest opportunity.", unless you better verbiage for my prediction.
@waiguoren, why haven't you added my new prediction yet?

If you're looking for a simplified version, something along the lines of "Democrats will try to turn around the Trump derangement syndrome insult at the earliest opportunity.", unless you better verbiage for my prediction.

All of HomerThompson, Fawlty, Falsedawn, and Rational Poster will use the term "X* derangement syndrome" to describe a disagreement with the next Democratic president.

*Here X is any substitute for the full name of the next Democratic president, such as that president's surname.

Is that good with you?