Dana to Khabib on instagram: "LMAO I'm telling your dad!!"


Brown Belt
May 27, 2002
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after Khabib jokingly posted a pic of him sitting on Dana White's car and posting that he's lucky he eventually gave him his belt because he would have smashed Dana's car if he didn't get his belt.

Friendship ended with Conor now Khabib is my best friend.

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Dana realises his new cash cow. In a few weeks he will be in a robe in Dagestan facing Mecca. Dude will do anything for moneys.
Lol I could see this turning into a bromance.

Dana has a new son.
Khabib has certainly become a new cash cow for Dana and the UFC. He has more Instagram followers than Jon Jones, GSP, Anderson Silva and Mighty Mouse combined. As stupid as Instagram is, that certainly counts for something.
HAHAHAHAHHAA @ Dana White playing buddy with Khabib, now that he is a prospective cash cow.

Just fucking LOL.
Uncle Dana is at it again
If the rematch happens Dana will be at the presser telling conor no we dont drink!
This could have been you, Sage, but you got choked by Barberana or Barberena or Berbarena....
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Now Conor knows Khabib's weakness. He will threaten to tell his dad. Khabib is scared of his father. Khabib's father is Darth Vader.
Dana is the literal embodiment of a whore.

He used Conor and threw him away like a cheap hooker on his way to the next fling.