Didn't Khabib start EVERYTHING by jumping Artem?

Artem called Khabib a "chickenshit," and Khabib confronted him on it.

Annnnd Artem turned out to be the real chickenshit. Ran back and immediately told his daddy.

Wasn't Artem the one on radio talking about how he would slap Khabib if he saw him?

In fact khabib started the shit talk too with the whole “come on with your chicken” call out.

Started 2 years ago when Conor was mean mugging Khabib and Woodley (also calling him a bitch and woman) in the back before UFC 205. Khabib didn't back down and promised to smash him.

In America we have freedom of speech, can't have athletes assaulting everyone that calls them bad things on the internet.

A slap can be considered a minor incident among tough guys but the law has provisions to protect anyone regardless of the background context. Just slapping someones phone away can be considered assault. Yeah, these are presumably big boys but Khabib is also playing the "respect sport" card. He doesn't live under his own code as law when he is on US soil.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a Conor apologist
Why do you think he "jumped" Artem, smart guy?
The question is why didn't he confront Artem alone instead of with a group of guys surrounding Artem? They could have had a one on one conversation. He intimidated Artem for talking trash in the media. He could have just let the trash talk slide and handle his business in the cage if he was the humble person he said he was. He and his group of guys are thugs and they proved it then and on Saturday. Khabib associates with evil people and should be cut from the UFC. I enjoyed the beating he put on Conor, but this is America. We don't negotiate with terrorists.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a Conor apologist and I think everyone involved in this circus is shitting the bed. Too much potential being tarnished with stupid ego quarrels; these guys need some levity.
This is ain't nothing close to a real war for fuck sakes, these guys are making their money for being combat SPORT personalities on TV.

But didn't Khabib start this antic fest by ganging up on Artem with a full crew when he was by himself? Not sure if Artem had backup in that confrontation.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if they're gonna play the finger pointing game which solves nothing, that is where everything began, no?

Ganging up on a guy by himself and slapping him around for the dumb shit he said on the internet (nothing about his family, country, or religion) isn't very sportsman like, that's not the high road, that's not the religious road, not mature nor dignified.

I think Khabib overplays his righteous card.
Dude needs thicker skin and a sense of humor.
Conor of course needs to put down the coke if that's what's messing with his brain and stop hanging out with losers, but he isn't the one preaching "respect sport" and rolling up on dudes.
Yes but I promise you Khabib's fanboys will spin it so he didn't start it.

The double-standards that have gone down regarding these 2 is hilarious and sad.
In America we have freedom of speech, can't have athletes assaulting everyone that calls them bad things on the internet.

A slap can be considered a minor incident among tough guys but the law has provisions to protect anyone regardless of the background context. Just slapping someones phone away can be considered assault. Yeah, these are presumably big boys but Khabib is also playing the "respect sport" card. He doesn't live under his own code as law when he is on US soil.
Freedom of Speech doesn't mean what you think it does
He didn't confront him over nothing, did he?

Artem was talking a bunch of shit and they ran into him, so they confronted him and Artem bitched out
The entire thing is a bunch of junior high nonsense. Adults shouldn't act this way. It's a sport, not a street gang.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a Conor apologist and I think everyone involved in this circus is shitting the bed. Too much potential being tarnished with stupid ego quarrels; these guys need some levity.
This is ain't nothing close to a real war for fuck sakes, these guys are making their money for being combat SPORT personalities on TV.

But didn't Khabib start this antic fest by ganging up on Artem with a full crew when he was by himself? Not sure if Artem had backup in that confrontation.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if they're gonna play the finger pointing game which solves nothing, that is where everything began, no?

Ganging up on a guy by himself and slapping him around for the dumb shit he said on the internet (nothing about his family, country, or religion) isn't very sportsman like, that's not the high road, that's not the religious road, not mature nor dignified.

I think Khabib overplays his righteous card.
Dude needs thicker skin and a sense of humor.
Conor of course needs to put down the coke if that's what's messing with his brain and stop hanging out with losers, but he isn't the one preaching "respect sport" and rolling up on dudes.

"Ganging up" = Khabib confronting him while other people watched. Yeah ok.
The entire thing is a bunch of junior high nonsense. Adults shouldn't act this way. It's a sport, not a street gang.

A sport where Conor makes outside the cage death threats and no one blinks an eye.
Artem started everything by talking shit about Khabib for no reason.
Artem started with saying he'd slap khabib when he'll see him. Then got slapped. Is normal
You started all of this TS with "jumped"...Nobody jumped nobody....Khabib confronted Artem...only girls exaggerate deez tings...
Funny how its always someone elses fault with Conor isn't it? maybe look at the pattern of trouble following him around and not his opponents nearly as much?

The problems both men are facing or have faced are each one's fault respectively.

Conor probably should have been banned for life after the bus incident, same for Khabib after starting a fight in the crowd.
I would say this started it...
But thats just me (thanks to grapplefest for the info)

Artem: Khabib pulled out 6 times already. He always pulls out of fights. If something hurts a little bit, his ass or whatever he pulls out. He can't even make weight. He doesn't give a shit about his fans, that everyone flew from Russia. Even getting a visa is a pain and travel expenses..., all in order to see him and he doesn't show up. And it's not once. Not two, three or four times.. Who is chicken here? Who is afraid? Conor shows up every time no matter what, he's a true fighter, he's a true champion. Champion isn't just a belt around your waist, it's mentality, it's your heart. Conor is a real champion and Khabib is not even close.

Reporter: So in cases where Khabib pulled out, Conor would've fought every time?

Artem: Did you see Conor pulling out of a fight even once? Everyone has injuries, everyone has problems making weight, but one is a champion and shows up no matter what, and the other one is a coward who pulls out every time.