Another raping gang in England.

Another problem I have with these stories, why the fuck aren't the communities these men come from being investigated?

They come from close knit communities inside small towns, do any of you believe these men's wives and children and relatives don't know this is going on? Of course they do, and they turn a blind eye because it's not their daughters being attacked and abused.

Another failure of multiculturalism. These communities won't shop their own members to the authorities and actively enable these crimes.

What kind of sons do you think these guys are raising? This crime will be repeated over and over, and will not end without mass deportations of problematic communities. You've stretched our hospitality to its very end, it's time for tolerance of the intolerant to end.
Where are the families of the victims? What are they doing about this?
This makes me so angry, it’s not even featured on the news or spoken about. We’ve failed women and children in this country.
How expensive are ropes in the UK? Since there is no death penalty it should be life in prison for these monsters.
Once the UK is out of the EU in theory it could be brought back, but highly likely it won't be as the vast majority of the public are against it.

I do think first generation immigrants should be deported for most, non trivial, crimes and even second generation immigrants should be deported for serious crimes once their sentence has been served. I mean these people jailed deseve to live in Pakistan - it can be their second punishment after being released from prison.
Swedes should not give into these scumbags. You didn't colonize anyone, not that this kind of behavior is acceptable even if your countries had colonized. There is no need for you to be nice to cultures that are generally intolerant and clannish. Taking in refugees is a nice thing, but having people walk all over you because you are nice , is not a nice thing.

I am not surprised your wife doesn't find South Asian men unattractive, Asians (MidEasteners included) generally are very discriminatory of other Asians but find Whites attractive. I hazard a guess that White women would be much more open to associating with non-White men than Asian women would be with associating with non-White men outside of their ethnic group.

I agree, why should we be tolerant to those that are intolerant and have fatherfigures in powerful Imams spreading the words in their mosques never to become a swede? What was the point then of coming to Sweden which was their first choice? Was it for the fact of good reputation and freedom or to come here with a sinister set of mind?

These are questions that are with me when I hear about cases of immigrants just destroying for the sake of destroying our way of life and freedom. I don´t like this and they should not be allowed to be in our country that welcomed them.

With that said. War room concentrate to much of what bad things muslim does. But, you never hear about the good ones.

Now I know who Nazir Afzal is from this thread. His origin is Pakistan and I would say he very much qualify as being a good citizen of the English society.
Get arrested when they show up to what? I dont get it. If my mom,sister daughter,niece,etc was abducted and i found out they were being held in one of these rape gangs, im not calling the police or protesting. So i'll ask again where are all the English Men at? Why are they letting this happen to their women, children,etc?
A dude showed up at a hotel when a girl was being held, the police came and arrested HIM... look in to it. Everyone who helped cover this up is a traitor and should be jailed along with all these scumbag rapists.
What bothers me is if you bitch about Islam, Libs will do their NPC thing and call you racist.

..when obviously Islam is a religion

They didn't get the memo

Sajid Javid has been rebuked by MPs and human rights campaigners for tweeting about “Asian paedophiles”.

Javid highlighted the case of the grooming gang in Huddersfield that raped and abused girls as young as 11. The group of men were found guilty on Friday of more than 120 offences against 15 girls. Javid tweeted:

But the tweet was quickly condemned for noting the perpetrators’ ethnicity. The Labour MP David Lammy said: “Sajid Javid has brought a great office of state into disrepute. By singling out ‘Asians’ he not only panders to the far right, but increases the risk of violence and abuse against minorities across the country.

“Whatever the underlying motives of the offenders involved, paedophilia is an abhorrent crime that affects all communities. It does no service to the victims of this evil to pin the blame on any one group.”

A dude showed up at a hotel when a girl was being held, the police came and arrested HIM... look in to it. Everyone who helped cover this up is a traitor and should be jailed along with all these scumbag rapists.

In the Rotherham report there are at least two incidents where girls fathers tracked their daughters down to houses where they were being abused, rang the police for help only for them to turn up and arrest them while their daughters were left at the mercy of their abusers. There are even cases of the victims being arrested on charges of racial abuse when they came forward to the police.

A lot of people still don't realise just how bad it is and the extent to which the authorities are complicit.
Once the UK is out of the EU in theory it could be brought back, but highly likely it won't be as the vast majority of the public are against it.

I do think first generation immigrants should be deported for most, non trivial, crimes and even second generation immigrants should be deported for serious crimes once their sentence has been served. I mean these people jailed deseve to live in Pakistan - it can be their second punishment after being released from prison.
Only if they sit out their sentence in their own country imo. Setting them free is irresponsible.
It's just their culture you xenophobic bigoted islamaphobe.
indeed time to dump the thread for "outrage porn".

Sajid Javid has been rebuked by MPs and human rights campaigners for tweeting about “Asian paedophiles”.

Javid highlighted the case of the grooming gang in Huddersfield that raped and abused girls as young as 11. The group of men were found guilty on Friday of more than 120 offences against 15 girls. Javid tweeted:

But the tweet was quickly condemned for noting the perpetrators’ ethnicity. The Labour MP David Lammy said: “Sajid Javid has brought a great office of state into disrepute. By singling out ‘Asians’ he not only panders to the far right, but increases the risk of violence and abuse against minorities across the country.

“Whatever the underlying motives of the offenders involved, paedophilia is an abhorrent crime that affects all communities. It does no service to the victims of this evil to pin the blame on any one group.”

Noting the perps commonality in these crimes, and not in a racist way, is still racist according to libs. Censorship through made up rules that are valid in their warped minds and political correctness.
So many gangs like this have been found in England, after Rotherham people said 'never again!'
You can bet your life this is happening in France, Sweden, Germany, etc, etc, its what they do.
When these guys enter prison they will be applauded by the muslim population and treated like heroes. "Hey mohammad, tell us all the stories of you having sex with little white girls.'
The death penalty would be perfect for these guys, how could anyone disagree?

Thats another 10% of the vote leave. Somehow all that is EU fault. Now dont confuse recent refugees forced at us by EU with these. This gang was born and bred in UK outside of EU influence, but there u go.
Scotland needs to declare independence and build a wall

Sadly for the Scots, their 'independence' would most likely be led by Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP, who are just more of the same globalist, open borders, multicultists who will want to bring this 'diversity' (i.e rape culture) to Scotland.
People still vote for remain and Labour. This is what they voted for.

I have little sympathy.
In the Rotherham report there are at least two incidents where girls fathers tracked their daughters down to houses where they were being abused, rang the police for help only for them to turn up and arrest them while their daughters were left at the mercy of their abusers. There are even cases of the victims being arrested on charges of racial abuse when they came forward to the police.

A lot of people still don't realise just how bad it is and the extent to which the authorities are complicit.
Complicit and part & parcel at this point. They covered up for Rotherham crimes, but cases kept appearing over and over so their assistance was widespread and over time.

This gang was born and bred in UK outside of EU influence
A lot of terrorist events in France were 2nd generation too. And even CNN acknowledges homegrown terror. It's not a win for immigration policies that's for sure, importing more Islam and more potential radicals.

Coming soon to Ireland. :'( Or should I start calling it Irelandstan?
Coming soon to Ireland. :'( Or should I start calling it Irelandstan?

The Irish have also lost their minds.

Voting for legal abortion and then celebrating as if they had won the World Cup or some shit.

I can understand some of the arguments for abortion, but to be punching the air and celebrating it is pretty disgusting and shameful
Heres the thing, the next time you hear or read anything negative about American gun culture you should think about this situation. In England, a man that KNOWS his daughter is in a place(house/hotel, doesnt matter) with a RAPIST or MANY RAPISTS sits outside and calls the police.
I cant speak for all Americans but i can say without a shadow of doubt that there would be enough guns within a 5 block vacinity to remove that girl from her captors hands long before the police are even notified.

Personally the second i findout where my daughter is i would have 40 guys with AR15s next to me knocking on a door.
You notify the police afterwards....or not at all.

England....ive lost a lot of respect for you in this thread.

A dude showed up at a hotel when a girl was being held, the police came and arrested HIM... look in to it. Everyone who helped cover this up is a traitor and should be jailed along with all these scumbag rapists.

In the Rotherham report there are at least two incidents where girls fathers tracked their daughters down to houses where they were being abused, rang the police for help only for them to turn up and arrest them while their daughters were left at the mercy of their abusers. There are even cases of the victims being arrested on charges of racial abuse when they came forward to the police.

A lot of people still don't realise just how bad it is and the extent to which the authorities are complicit.
Heres the thing, the next time you hear or read anything negative about American gun culture you should think about this situation. In England, a man that KNOWS his daughter is in a place(house/hotel, doesnt matter) with a RAPIST or MANY RAPISTS sits outside and calls the police.
I cant speak for all Americans but i can say without a shadow of doubt that there would be enough guns within a 5 block vacinity to remove that girl from her captors hands long before the police are even notified.

Personally the second i findout where my daughter is i would have 40 guys with AR15s next to me knocking on a door.
You notify the police afterwards....or not at all.

England....ive lost a lot of respect for you in this thread.
You are right.