I think it's time to accept that Jon was innocent

It’s time for fanboys to live in reality
Jon never went to jail so take your troll agenda elsewhere, bud.

Jail is an analogy, dude got long suspensions twice and it's supposed to be ignored? Also:

Usually when someone takes a plea deal and becomes a snitch, it isn’t because they are innocent.
Not accusations
He was found guilty

I think it time for you to accept that Jones (one of the best) is a steroid cheat.

“The independent arbitrator found that Jon Jones was not intentionally cheating in this case, and while we thought 18-months was the appropriate sanction given the other circumstances of the case, we respect the arbitrator’s decision and believe that justice was served,” USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart said in a statement."

Like I said. He never cheated intentionally.
Ban this fool! Suspicious blood reading, fails 2 drug tests and no ethics, plus snitch = loser
I don't take them serious nor reply to them. Nobody take them serious. They make me laugh sometimes due to all the meme they come with but other then that. They are definitely trolling and not serious themselves
USADA are as crooked as the day's long.

Floyd was caught administering an illegal I.V the night before the Manny fight claiming he was dehydrated and USADA turned a blind eye. Floyd weighed 150 lbs 30 days before the 147 fight. He really did not need the I.V for rehydration as he claimed.

The moral of the story - Money talks and the UFC are dying to have Jones back.
Virtually identical scenarios

It’s a sad thing that the haters won’t look at the actual facts of the matter

In fact haters go as far as to turn on their beloved USADA while not acknowledge that it was an INDEPENDENT arbiter who ruled on both Jones cases

And both times Jon was specifically ruled NOT to be a drug cheat, and not to have intentionally cheated
In fact BOTH times Jon did not have a an amount of banned substance in his body at the threshold of a therapeutic dose

But never let the facts get in the way of hate

Jon is the greatest fighter we’ve ever seen seen compete, and like any brilliant athlete at the top of their field (Brady, HeBRon, Ronaldo) people just want to tear him down

What’s more disgusting is the glee haters take in every misstep he has. It is very very concerning to me.

Maybe Luke Thomas was right all those years ago when he spoke about why he thought the fans would never embrace Jon.

Luke was most definitely right on that, bud. It's obvious at this point and it's sad. It's 2018 for christs sake.
Ban this fool! Suspicious blood reading, fails 2 drug tests and no ethics, plus snitch = loser

Your two statements offset each other bud.

On one statement you say that he fails a drug test, are you implying you are for a “clean sport”? On the next statement you say he is a “snitch” and use a negative remark implying that you are against Jon passing on information that is valuable to USADA to help clean up the sport.

You simply cannot have it both ways.

So I ask, what is exactly your agenda here?

Or are you just here to be a known fighter bashing troll?

Perhaps you are just being the loser here?
Pretty sure USADA admitted Jon was innocent when the cleared him of any wrong doing. This whole witch hunt has taken years off his athletic prime. He is similar to Ali and Vietman.

Boo Fucking Hoo
I can no longer tell the difference between Nutjob Jones fans and trolls!

Congratulations sherdog
Your two statements offset each other bud.

On one statement you say that he fails a drug test, are you implying you are for a “clean sport”? On the next statement you say he is a “snitch” and use a negative remark implying that you are against Jon passing on information that is valuable to USADA to help clean up the sport.

You simply cannot have it both ways.

So I ask, what is exactly your agenda here?

Or are you just here to be a known fighter bashing troll?

Perhaps you are just being the loser here?
Because a cheater can’t snitch cheaters to become a hero child!
On one statement you say that he fails a drug test, are you implying you are for a “clean sport”? On the next statement you say he is a “snitch” and use a negative remark implying that you are against Jon passing on information that is valuable to USADA to help clean up the sport.

This is what cracks me up every single time. But I guess that's where the trolls expose themselves.
Red alert everyone, Conor fans jumping on Jones’ dick !