PWD 670: Here's to the Greatest...

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I'm going to buy a ranch in Texas one day. And no ones gonna ever find me!


@RollSonnenRoll Can come visit me tho

Four different sources confirmed Strowman is in hot water after developing a reputation for arriving late and leaving shows early.

Johnson said: “There are times where Strowman is negligent when it comes to showing up on time.

“Sometimes he makes mistakes in terms of etiquette in the backstage in the locker room,” Johnson said. “Sometimes, as one person put it, he’s his own worst enemy and his worst advocate.

“They would be high on him and just when he gets to the point where you would think the next step is putting him into the centerpiece position for the company [then] something happens and he makes some sort of misstep backstage and people within management kind of cool on him and they take a step back.”

Does Braun Strowman not respect The Business?
Braun is a professional wrestler in a world of sports entertainers
I know of another guy very well known for being late

And that worked out well
I just did a google too cuz frank sucks at his job....

Locker room etiquette what the hell does that mean
Probably means he has an ego, or possibly talks about what goes on in the locker room when he shouldn't.

Imagine people doing this in other sports.
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