Crime Cohen pleads guilty, says he lied

There was nothing there except orange hair is bad man.

Even your Sherdog followers dont have the gall to enter this posting path youve taken. For it would be account suicide that would lead them being mocked in the years to come.

Your posts here in the War Room are absolute trash, devoid of facts and an air of entitlement masking stupidity.
Smear campaigns do not typically result in multiple high level campaign and/or cabinet members from the White House flipping and pleading guilty, one after the other.

Nobody gives a shit if you dipshits say it's a nothingburger. The people who actually have the expertise to prosecute a case and investigate are doing just that.

This magic "President cant be indicted" shit is the hoax. It is all based upon a DOJ memo suggesting said policy. This was before the Nixon and Clinton impeachments, and was savaged by the proceedings in both investigations.

It's gonna be even funnier watching you guys squirm trying to claim your daddy won't go down for his litany of corruption.

The standing policy of the DOJ since 1973 is that a sitting President cannot be indicted.
Even your Sherdog followers dont have the gall to enter this posting path youve taken. For it would be account suicide that would lead them being mocked in the years to come.

Your posts here in the War Room are absolute trash, devoid of facts and an air of entitlement masking stupidity.

Time for the right, Republicans, to take the fight back on Democrats. Like never seen before.

We said for two years this was a witch hunt to cover up Democrat corruption that is as deep as deep state. It remains the fact today.

But the psychos at CNN and the majority of MSM are desperate to have you all believe otherwise.
Where do you get your news?
No she wasn't.

It was anonymous source that said Trump said "shithole countries."

Trump never called black athletes sons of bitches. He said those who don't stand for the anthem. There's a world of difference.

Just like there's a world of difference between saying Trump said there were good people on both sides on the Charlottesville incident when in reality all he knew at that point was that there were a few there wanting to save monuments t
and there was a massive group of Antifa. Lying leftist media to this day skew that whole moment to mean Donald was saying there are good white supremacists, when he was only talking about the few nationalists there interested in savinging monuments. CNN's piece a few weeks ago citing white supremacists was clear how they're conflating and obfuscating occurances to be something else. Then MSM makes a gigantic event of the year anniversary with thousands of Antifa and BLM at Charlottesville compared to a few dozen supremacist losers who the teeniest fraction of Republicans identify with and the vast majority condemn.

But lying hate-filled Democrat colluding CNN wants the Obama/FBI/Russia collusion coverup to last until 2020 meanwhile smearing Trump and keeping him on his heels til then.

This is politics at its absolute worst and it will be taken to task. Comprehensively. The uncivil lying hate-filled Democrat left will get their comeuppance. Even if they do impeach this POTUS through their lying, cheating and contempt for the constitution and the Democratic Republic that is the United States of America.

Republicans will forgive (or at least most will), but what has happened over the last 10 years - the last 6 in particular - won't be forgotten.
So you don't think there's any chance that Trump is corrupt? All these indictments and the evidence that we've seen, and even what's been redacted, it's all scam to frame him?
Lying CNN will make this to seem the case. And you'll provide links from leftist Dem conspirators.

Just like no one here has a clue that in 2015 Hillary told a Latino group during her campaign that she supported building a border fence and even voted for it.
Fencing doesn't cost $25 billion.
Soros, Antifa?

Lay off the Fox, its making you very ignorant.

Its hilarious listening to and watching the Fox crowd diss every other news source and organization. You know why countries like Canada and Australia won't let Fox in...its because they aren't a real news station. In the USA case, its pure propaganda and state run TV. Embarrassing !!!
After hiding his links to Cohen while defending him on air, and actually campaigning with the President, how can any legitimate news organization defend giving Hannity a platform?
Perjury, not perjury, it's all a nothingburger which we righties have been saying all along.

So technically, what was Cuomo saying tonight after a nothingburger narrative about Donald lying and that whole picture list of his coconspirators with links to Russia? That the DOJ advise a circumventing of the POTUS being unindictable. For reasons.

It's all a big scam. All this is smoke and mirrors, a smear campaign for 4 years before the next election.
You've been saying nothingburger since Don Jr told you what to think. Witch Hunt, No Collusion, blah blah blah
Nope, judge determines if cooperation should warrant downward departure. That's why Mueller sent the sentencing memo to the judge as did Southern District of NY. Judge could have wiped his ass with it and given upward departure for all he cares, but sentencing guidelines stay the same.
Incorrect. Upward and downward departures are governed by section 5k of the sentencing guidelines. They give the judge some discretion to depart upwards or downwards, but it's subject to various limits. The court can choose to grant a downward departure for assistance, but only if the government moves for it. You're also confusing the sentencing guidelines generally with the sentencing range, but cooperating with the government can also make a difference for that- see 3c1 and 3e1.
So there is at least one Trumper on here still takin MAGA in the kiester. All right! @splendica
You've been saying nothingburger since Don Jr told you what to think. Witch Hunt, No Collusion, blah blah blah
Has anyone been convicted of anything involving Russian collusion as of yet? No? 'Kay.
So you don't think there's any chance that Trump is corrupt? All these indictments and the evidence that we've seen, and even what's been redacted, it's all scam to frame him?

I'm not saying he is perfect, no one is. But the level of witch hunt here undermines the constitution and points to collusion and greater wrongs on the Democrat side.

I think Trump is a necessary changeup from the career politician swamp/establishment. He may go down as one of the greatest POTUS ever.
Smear campaigns do not typically result in multiple high level campaign and/or cabinet members from the White House flipping and pleading guilty, one after the other.

Yeah tax dodging shows a definite link to Russian collusion /sarcasm
I'm not saying he is perfect, no one is. But the level of witch hunt here undermines the constitution and points to collusion and greater wrongs on the Democrat side.

I think Trump is a necessary changeup from the career politician swamp/establishment. He may go down as one of the greatest POTUS ever.
Probably not. :(