Can someone please beat Jon Jones in my lifetime

Eventually it's gonna happen if he keeps fighting, not for awhile tho.
He’s not ever gonna lose. First off, without steroids he’s an outstanding fighter. But when you add that crap in? No, he can’t be beaten. It’s sick that this fight took place. So disappointed in Gus.
Rumble would have been the guy to do it
But,universe wants it like this
Someone will
Jon looked slow as shit tbh, years of gear is catching up to him

At this point I think
Cain can
Stipe can and
DC at HW can
Bones is perfect cage fighter it cant be better than that
if you can find some way to jack mcgregor up to 205, then we got a fight
DC he's gotta rematch him, #1p4p fighters only real questionable defeat.
Jon beats himself. In time he'll be "that guy that roided."
Unfortunately I feel only USADA can... and even now seems like Jones is beating them now