Social Ocasio-Cortez : 'World is gonna end' in a dozen years due to global warming

Gee whiz, I hate it when people who are obviously uninformed about the science and the conclusions voice their idiotic opinions.

You whined about Trump not giving you your Tacos.

I wouldn't talk. ;)
The sad truth is she will be in office for a very long time and will become rich because of her craziness.

I predict she will be primaried and lose in two years if she isn't rode out for violations before then. I also predict she will blow through her budget and be shocked she can't just demand more money.

She is the DNC's Anthony Freemont.
Can anyone explain to me how this girl is so popular? Everywhere I go there is a new article about something she is saying. I swear I see more articles about her than our president

Because she's so zanny nobody knows what she'll do next.
She's like the clown at the circus running around with a bucket, you know she's gonna toss it eventually but not on who or what's in the bucket.
*Que the music
Yes, clearly she was speaking figuratively, but we all know how big of sticklers you Republican surrogates are when it comes to literal accuracy from politicians. That's why we see daily threads from you when Trump says shit like Frederick Douglas is alive, Israel in in Europe, the Baltics are the former Yugoslavia, or the Civil War intersected with the disco era.
Who cares, if she wants people to take her seriously she probably shouldn't say things like that. That's something that our dumb ass president would do.. "Al Gore should be stripped of the Nobel Prize because it's cold outside!"
Who cares, if she wants people to take her seriously she probably shouldn't say things like that. That's something that our dumb ass president would do.. "Al Gore should be stripped of the Nobel Prize because it's cold outside!"

Strange how our "dumb ass president" knows what the 3 branches of government are while she probably believes it involves an actual TREE. <Jaime01>
Yet someone thought my AOC tweets thread was dump worthy a few weeks ago . . .

Hopefully America is just going through a phase, voting for people who just say whatever pops into their head. The value we put on snark and arrogance needs to be tempered.
“However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said”
Oh they’ll know in Chicago...
The way you right wingers keep her in the news constantly and have marked her as your next big enemy is only going to make her more successful and go further due to all the free air time you guys are givin

When shes president in a decade its going to be because you guys made her
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Because she's so zanny nobody knows what she'll do next.
She's like the clown at the circus running around with a bucket, you know she's gonna toss it eventually but not on who or what's in the bucket.
*Que the music
One of my fave recent quotes, it's just so messy.
The way you right wingers keep her in the news constantly and have marked her as your next big enemy is only going to make her more successful and go further due to all the free air time you guys are givin

When shes president in a decade its going to because you guys made her

Ocasio-Cortez calls climate change ‘our World War II,’ warns the world will end in 12 years

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., spoke out on Monday about the urgency to take on climate change, comparing it to World War II.

Speaking at an event commemorating Martin Luther King Day, Ocasio-Cortez expressed how the issue of climate change is a “generational” issue that younger people are more focused on.

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: ‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?'" Ocasio-Cortez said.

The Democratic Socialist said the fight against climate change is war and that it’s “our World War II.”


In 12 years if climate change isn't adressed the world will be doomed. Heck many believe the world is doomed already and there's obviously a bias towards hope. Will the world be physically over in 12 years now. But will we be doomed if we aren't close to carbon neutral by then? Yup.

It's funny how conservatives make up all these fake crises like the caravan yet an actual existential crisis is being fought and they think it's a hoax. Biggest traitors in the history of the human race, millenia of rich history and a bunch of stupid assholes who listened to fossil fuel propaganda are the one's who'll likely punch our ticket sad.

The fact this is seen as funny as if SHE's the one being stupid is just plain sad.

One of a handful of real representatives who's actually not an idiot and she's seen as an idiot. God damm it's reasons like this where I get Socrates point hating Democracy.