Social Tense Encounter Between Covington HS Kids and Nathan Phillips

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You don't care that kids got death threats because of a false narrative?

How progressive of you
Yeah, not a progressive.
Shoe is on the other foot, eh?

The right with gets get mad when stuff happens to rich white people.
lol It's hilarious how kids getting "threats" cause them more outrage than it did when a white terrorist was actually shooting up a synagogue just a few months ago.
Of course you don't care about dangerous Liberal propaganda. You're one of their sheep.
Nah, I didn't care about this story when it was "MAGA Hat Wearing Kids threaten Native American Vietnam Veteran."
Can some of the posters in here get any more blatant with their DERAILING?

That's what was reported.

It's also been said all they were chanting was a school fight song or some shit too.

The unedited video shows the wall claim to be 100% bullshit
How is pointing that out "toxic"?

Yes, I'm not surprised that it's lost on you.

Death threats to kids is answered with "b.. b.. but the right" and "you don't actually care about this, you actually care about x" like you think you have it all figured out. That's why I call you toxic, you're not interested in discussion or discourse at all, only shit-flinging. Your ankle-biting isn't adding anything of value anywhere.
You don't care that kids got death threats because of a false narrative?

How progressive of you
Nevermind the false narrative, the reaction was overblown to begin with. People have completely lost their minds if you ask me.
Anyone still trying to defend Nathan Phillips as well as ignore what the Black Israelites were doing after the full video came out are either blind and deaf or, sad to say, mentally retarded.
Yes, I'm not surprised that it's lost on you.

Death threats to kids is answered with "b.. b.. but the right" and "you don't actually care about this, you actually care about x" like you think you have it all figured out. That's why I call you toxic, you're not interested in discussion or discourse at all, only shit-flinging. Your ankle-biting isn't adding anything of value anywhere.

I'm simply pointing out that there is quite the double standard when it comes to privileged white folks being on the receiving end of things compared to something happening to a minority. As evidenced by a near 200 page thread.
I'm simply pointing out that there is quite the double standard when it comes to privileged white folks being on the receiving end of things compared to something happening to a minority. As evidenced by a near 200 page thread.

That's because you have no idea what this thread is even about.
Yes, I'm not surprised that it's lost on you.

Death threats to kids is answered with "b.. b.. but the right" and "you don't actually care about this, you actually care about x" like you think you have it all figured out. That's why I call you toxic, you're not interested in discussion or discourse at all, only shit-flinging. Your ankle-biting isn't adding anything of value anywhere.
This particular attitude is seemingly becoming increasingly prevalent regardless of political affiliation. The worrying aspect is that this trend, at least in my experience, is not isolated to the internet. People I have known for years who were otherwise political centrists (both left and right) now appear to be very much indoctrinated into a team-sport mentality. Normally reasonable, empathetic and thoughtful people are being replaced by Matt Serra clones ("Good, fuck him"). Very disheartening.

I may be entirely incorrect though. I'm probably just especially sensitive and have severe confirmation bias regarding my perceptions of increased tribalism and malicious sentiments.
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Anyone else notice a clear trend in this thread?

Thread starts out with old time known leftists calling for the kids head and spewing typical identity politics that protects their actual racism...then once it was proven the kid was innocent, they all stopped posting and newer accounts started posting to continue spewing the same garbage while attacking people openly.

How quaint.
Nope. That was another lie in the story.

Fuck those white kids
Fuck that native guy
Fuck those black dudes

So much scum in one place at one time

"Wake up USA!"
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