Crime Reporting now. Coast Guardsman charged with planning mass terror attack

youre right fox news is very dangerous.

Don't cherry pick and be a goof just because they pander to your feels. Their agenda is very different from yours, whatever your agenda is.
probably a deranged SJW that hates Trump so much that he staged a hoax pretending to be a MAGA mass shooter lol
THe responses from Trumptards in this thread. Jesus fucking christ.

The United States of AmeriKKKa must revoke 2nd Amendment rights for white-males!

Or maybe Trump can stop calling the press "the enemy of the people" provoking lunatics like this one and the mail bomber.
I am a voracious consumer of news media. I see what makes national headlines, I see what gets buried near the promotional links at the bottom of the page. You’re not going to convince me that that the MSM wanted to report on Jussie Smollet’s demise—they wanted to report on the hate crime.

3 days from now, CNN will have dropped its coverage of Jussie Smollet. There will be a follow-up story (or two) about this “white nationalist” guy, and probably an opinion piece about how police need to pursue “white identity extremists” more aggressively.

You sound like mass shooter potential!
Christopher Paul Hasson wrote he was “dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth.”


This image provided by the US District Court in Maryland shows firearms and ammunition; the photo was in the motion for detention pending trial in the case against Christopher Paul Hasson.
US District Court via AP

A Coast Guard lieutenant and self-proclaimed white nationalist was arrested on charges of illegal drug and weapons possession on Friday. But authorities say the charges are just the “proverbial tip of the iceberg” and that the man is a “domestic terrorist, bent on committing acts dangerous to human life.”

Christopher Paul Hasson, a 49-year-old resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, had stockpiled weapons and ammunition and was allegedly planning to kill a number of prominent Democratic politicians and journalists as well as professors, judges, and “leftists in general,” federal prosecutors said in a court filing on Tuesday.

The filing details disturbing allegations, including Hasson’s writings about a potential race war, where he asserts that “much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch,” and his study of Anders Breivik, a Norwegian far-right domestic terrorist who killed 77 people in 2011. Law enforcement agents discovered 15 firearms and more than 1,000 rounds of mixed ammunition when they searched Hasson’s home on Friday. Seamus Hughes of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism was first to uncover the filing.

Authorities allege that Hasson had created a spreadsheet of potential targets of violence, including Sens. Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Tim Kaine, Kamala Harris, and Richard Blumenthal. He listed Blumenthal as “Sen blumen jew” and Warren as “poca warren,” presumably a reference to President Donald Trump’s nickname for her, “Pocahontas.” Other of his targets included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Sheila Jackson, and Maxine Waters, and journalists Chris Cuomo, Chris Hayes, and Ari Melber.

Authorities say that Hasson conducted internet searches on whether senators and Supreme Court justices have Secret Service protection. They also describe a December 2018 instance in which Hasson looked up MSNBC host and former Rep. Joe Scarborough after seeing a headline where Scarborough called Trump “the worst ever.” He looked at Scarborough’s Wikipedia page and website and then tried to find where his show was hosted and where he used to live.

In an email draft in 2017, Hasson wrote that he was “dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth” and discussed ways to carry out his plans.

After racist violence erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, Hasson sent himself a draft letter — which he allegedly had written to a neo-Nazi leader — identifying himself as a “long time White Nationalist” and a “skinhead” for more than 30 years. In the letter, he called for a “white homeland.”

From January 2017 to January 2019, authorities say, he conducted searches and made “thousands of visits” to websites containing pro-Russian, neo-fascist, and neo-Nazi literature.

It’s not clear when or if Hasson intended to carry out his plot. He compiled the list of targets on January 17, 2019. The same day, he performed Google searches including “what if trump illegally impeached, “best place in dc to see congress people,” “where in dc to congress live,” “civil war if trump impeached,” and “social democrats usa.”

Hasson appeared to take advice from Breivik’s manifesto, which he spent three years creating prior to his attacks. He took cues for creating a list of and categorizing victims and for taking steroids prior to an attack. Agents found more than 30 bottles labeled as human growth hormones in Hasson’s residence.

Hasson is expected to appear in federal court on Thursday at 1 pm.

Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer Barry Lane, a spokesperson for the Coast Guard, said in a statement to multiple media outlets that Hasson’s arrest was part of an ongoing probe by the Coast Guard Investigative Service.

“An active duty Coast Guard member, stationed at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC, was arrested last week on illegal weapons and drug charges as a result of an ongoing investigation led by the Coast Guard Investigative Service, in cooperation with the FBI and Department of Justice. Because this is an open investigation, the Coast Guard has no further details at this time,” Lane said.

Too bad this has to be a right/left thing instead of about mental health. Because it doesn't matter what ideology they dress themselves in, these people are not sane by society's standards and political affiliation has basically nothing to do with the intent.

He wants to kill, he's just projecting his hatred onto the left for nutty reasons to minimize his responsibility, they made him do this.
Christopher Paul Hasson wrote he was “dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth.”


This image provided by the US District Court in Maryland shows firearms and ammunition; the photo was in the motion for detention pending trial in the case against Christopher Paul Hasson.
US District Court via AP

A Coast Guard lieutenant and self-proclaimed white nationalist was arrested on charges of illegal drug and weapons possession on Friday. But authorities say the charges are just the “proverbial tip of the iceberg” and that the man is a “domestic terrorist, bent on committing acts dangerous to human life.”

Christopher Paul Hasson, a 49-year-old resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, had stockpiled weapons and ammunition and was allegedly planning to kill a number of prominent Democratic politicians and journalists as well as professors, judges, and “leftists in general,” federal prosecutors said in a court filing on Tuesday.

The filing details disturbing allegations, including Hasson’s writings about a potential race war, where he asserts that “much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch,” and his study of Anders Breivik, a Norwegian far-right domestic terrorist who killed 77 people in 2011. Law enforcement agents discovered 15 firearms and more than 1,000 rounds of mixed ammunition when they searched Hasson’s home on Friday. Seamus Hughes of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism was first to uncover the filing.

Authorities allege that Hasson had created a spreadsheet of potential targets of violence, including Sens. Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Tim Kaine, Kamala Harris, and Richard Blumenthal. He listed Blumenthal as “Sen blumen jew” and Warren as “poca warren,” presumably a reference to President Donald Trump’s nickname for her, “Pocahontas.” Other of his targets included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Sheila Jackson, and Maxine Waters, and journalists Chris Cuomo, Chris Hayes, and Ari Melber.

Authorities say that Hasson conducted internet searches on whether senators and Supreme Court justices have Secret Service protection. They also describe a December 2018 instance in which Hasson looked up MSNBC host and former Rep. Joe Scarborough after seeing a headline where Scarborough called Trump “the worst ever.” He looked at Scarborough’s Wikipedia page and website and then tried to find where his show was hosted and where he used to live.

In an email draft in 2017, Hasson wrote that he was “dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth” and discussed ways to carry out his plans.

After racist violence erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, Hasson sent himself a draft letter — which he allegedly had written to a neo-Nazi leader — identifying himself as a “long time White Nationalist” and a “skinhead” for more than 30 years. In the letter, he called for a “white homeland.”

From January 2017 to January 2019, authorities say, he conducted searches and made “thousands of visits” to websites containing pro-Russian, neo-fascist, and neo-Nazi literature.

It’s not clear when or if Hasson intended to carry out his plot. He compiled the list of targets on January 17, 2019. The same day, he performed Google searches including “what if trump illegally impeached, “best place in dc to see congress people,” “where in dc to congress live,” “civil war if trump impeached,” and “social democrats usa.”

Hasson appeared to take advice from Breivik’s manifesto, which he spent three years creating prior to his attacks. He took cues for creating a list of and categorizing victims and for taking steroids prior to an attack. Agents found more than 30 bottles labeled as human growth hormones in Hasson’s residence.

Hasson is expected to appear in federal court on Thursday at 1 pm.

Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer Barry Lane, a spokesperson for the Coast Guard, said in a statement to multiple media outlets that Hasson’s arrest was part of an ongoing probe by the Coast Guard Investigative Service.

“An active duty Coast Guard member, stationed at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC, was arrested last week on illegal weapons and drug charges as a result of an ongoing investigation led by the Coast Guard Investigative Service, in cooperation with the FBI and Department of Justice. Because this is an open investigation, the Coast Guard has no further details at this time,” Lane said.

He's got barely 2 full magazines per firearm....
and even a lot more attention and answers than Paddock did.
This incident that didn't happen has already gotten almost as much news coverage as this incident that really did:
Bullshit it has gotten as much coverage .. AND not ONE SINGLE Republican, not the President, not the DOJ has commented on it. See any difference?

You are kind of missing the point, white supremacist orgs are on the rise, already up 7% or more this year alone. The pipe bomber also had the same agenda against politicians and certain media. I wonder where these people get it from, what drives their crazy in that direction.
Answers? What was missing?
Did they find his hard drive? Release video of the pile of cameras he had in his room? Find out who broke into his home while it was being watched by police? There’s more too.
Did they find his hard drive? Release video of the pile of cameras he had in his room? Find out who broke into his home while it was being watched by police? There’s more too.
So, false flag? Government job?
Don't cherry pick and be a goof just because they pander to your feels. Their agenda is very different from yours, whatever your agenda is.

Fox is much MUCH worse than the others. Not even close to the same level and it’s because the viewer base. Let’s say they are all the same, a bunch of lying scumbags that only take direction from the corporate donors. What does it say that Fox has the highest ratings? Most misinformed people? Yep!!