UFC 235 PBP/Discussion

Whouuuuuuuuu diegoooooooo hahaha
Up like 20 unit love you dieeeewgooooo
Gall going after damaged goods fighter finally backfiring on him. :)
Had 3U on Diego and I swear I didnt regret t until just before the fight lol. I was also thinking no way Sanchez gets a finish he only wins by DEC, jokes on me hahahah
Cmon now... thats why i questioned those odds before the fight started. Gall just recently got his ass beat by Randy fucking Brown. This is the biggest issue with UFC matchmaking, you take your good prospects and ruin them by over pushing them in fights. FIRST FINISH SINCE SEASON 7 TUF FINALE FOR DIEGO. ATTA BOYYYYY
Member of the YES!!!! nation!

+850 on Diego ITD light and Heavy on Diego ML
Diego tko +1295


Circle it a winner
Nicee diego, got scared tbh. Didn't expect a tko, gall gassed tfo
Stephens at +240 looks good and Lawler at +230 as well. God still loving some of that Diego humble pie!
What was the line on Mickey Gall? LOL he's absolutely shat his pants on his biggest stage