The victim in Conors rape case being investigated was brutalized, Conor later said it was consensual

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So he’s guilty until proven innocent? Where is the evidence? Let’s seriously wait until we get the whole story before we judge someone.

Google St. Hilaires College Football Rape Allegations.
Just bc ppl have intercourse doesn’t mean rape occurred.
I know. My ex-gf accused me of giving her a black eye and then posted that shit on FB fuckin psycho. I made her take that shit down quick and her response was it was only up an hour lmao..yeah how many people have seen it? She got the black eye when I had my parents come over to help me move out and get my shit. She was drunk, charged after me when I was taking my stereo and fell and cracked her face on the edge of a counter, chucking beer bottles etc..I actually went to the police with my witnesses and wrote out statements that it wasn't the case that's not how it went down. Even though she had yet to go to any cop I sure as hell did when you're getting blamed for shit that could lock me up.

All I meant was I would not be shocked. I don't fully believe the chick, I should have used better wording in that I wouldn't be suprised if she was telling the truth but I fully agree with you on let's see how this plays out. I'm in no way a McGregor fan but I hope it isn't true, and if it isn't this chick should have some big repercussions. Just from personal experience it's almost worse being accused of something you didn't do and nothing happens to you but that stigma is there no matter if you're proved innocent and the chick backtracks than to be convicted of something you actually did.
A couple of points, the hotel was in south Dublin not the city centre also for hotel room read penthouse suite.
Yes, this was the initial report. The Gardai did not locate the correct hotel for a day or two.
I know. My ex-gf accused me of giving her a black eye and then posted that shit on FB fuckin psycho. I made her take that shit down quick and her response was it was only up an hour lmao..yeah how many people have seen it? She got the black eye when I had my parents come over to help me move out and get my shit. She was drunk, charged after me when I was taking my stereo and fell and cracked her face on the edge of a counter, chucking beer bottles etc..I actually went to the police with my witnesses and wrote out statements that it wasn't the case that's not how it went down. Even though she had yet to go to any cop I sure as hell did when you're getting blamed for shit that could lock me up.

All I meant was I would not be shocked. I don't fully believe the chick, I should have used better wording in that I wouldn't be suprised if she was telling the truth but I fully agree with you on let's see how this plays out. I'm in no way a McGregor fan but I hope it isn't true, and if it isn't this chick should have some big repercussions. Just from personal experience it's almost worse being accused of something you didn't do and nothing happens to you but that stigma is there no matter if you're proved innocent and the chick backtracks than to be convicted of something you actually did.

People need to realize how many false rape and abuse allegations go on. It's a high number. I am talking about 100% fabricated charges. Total lies. Anyone who's been in a divorce with a contested custody, unless you're just really lucky, knows what I am talking about.
Cool. Nice post count too with 2014 join date. You're doing it right by not making this cesspool a big part of your time! I need to quit this shithole myself.
My dude, you have dubs, you are what makes this place a shithole.
While this is up in the air, I will say that Conor may soon go the Mike Tyson route. Tyson was so wild and crazy with women, that eventually it caught him to him badly.
Do you accept whatapp messages.
A screen shot from a whatapp message isn’t credible unless a credible source investigates and says otherwise. Thats bc you can photoshop a screen shotted picture.
If you can post a credible source corroborating that claim, then I’ll believe it.
My dude, you have dubs, you are what makes this place a shithole.

Ironically asshole comments like this is what makes this place a shithole.

Also you broke one of the basic rules of critical thinking which means you probably don’t even know what critical thinking is.

Me using critical thinking and you not even knowing what it is basically means you’re a human 1.0. Obsolete. And that’s what makes sherdog shit, it being filled with 1.0’s who have yet or never will upgrade.

So in fact you are what makes this place a shithole. Congrats.

(And just to clue you in on the critical thinking rule you violated: it was believing something based on an assumption. Not good. Very low level thinking)
So without knowing anything more than what’s been released. You choose to believe that the girl is lying? Do you have a sister, girlfriend, wife, mom? You’re a piece of shit. Defending some guy who doesn’t even know you exist lol. Conor fans are worse than trump haters. It’s pathetic.
And the girl knows that you exist?
Ironically asshole comments like this is what makes this place a shithole.

Also you broke one of the basic rules of critical thinking which means you probably don’t even know what critical thinking is.

Me using critical thinking and you not even knowing what it is basically means you’re a human 1.0. Obsolete. And that’s what makes sherdog shit, it being filled with 1.0’s who have yet or never will upgrade.

So in fact you are what makes this place a shithole. Congrats.

(And just to clue you in on the critical thinking rule you violated: it was believing something based on an assumption. Not good. Very low level thinking)
I'm a Human 1.0?
That's not true. The police have sent a file to the Director of Public Prosecutions who will decide if there is enough evidence to charge Mcgregor. This takes months before a decision is made
I disagree, if there was a witness to the alleged rape, he would have 100% been charged by now.
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