McGregor deletes tweet about Khabibs wife

i think he meant it as a compliment

as we all know, dee is toilet paper




GOAT doing GOAT tings!
Yep - but lets not pretend Christianity isn't bat shit crazy too.
The non-denominational, simplified view of Christianity is beautiful. All the scientific models and theories are still in play, but behind it all is a living, loving God--as opposed to a vast, cold universe that doesn't care. Nothing bat shit crazy about that.
You see why they don't wanna give him equity?
You aren't open-minded. You aren't edgy. You aren't an intellectual. You aren't what you are trying so very desperately to be.

You are either a) a troll, b) a Muslim, c) an Atheist who wants to raise Islam/depress Christianity for political reasons, and most likely someone suffering from personal pain, mental illness, and taking psychotropic medications, which is causing you to vomit blatantly idiotic things in a forum like this.

Incidentally, literally nothing I said has anything to do with "White Supremacy". What I said at the end was just an analysis of voting patterns in Western nations. It's literally pure data (and psst....Muslims can be light-skinned or even White-White).

Even if you reject the supernatural claims associated with Christianity and Islam (which is fine, I get that), there is *no* debate among sincere and objective people on which belief structure produces better real world results. It's Christianity is a laughable and overwhelming rout.
You are the one who wants to compare Islam is Christianity TODAY. Islam is younger and at the same age, Christianity was WORSE. The west created the extremists anyway. And they support trash like KSA. WHY?
You are the troll, your "facts" completely ignore what I said. You just want hate on Islam because a lot of countries that have muslim majorities ARE not western or 1st world nations.
Majority of Christians and even Jews don't truly follow their religion, so they aren't even really Jewish or Christians... Just a false claim of being such.
The non-denominational, simplified view of Christianity is beautiful. All the scientific models and theories are still in play, but behind it all is a living, loving God--as opposed to a vast, cold universe that doesn't care. Nothing bat shit crazy about that.

No, it is fake Christianity... They do not follow God or his rules. Sorry, you can claim to be things, but that doesn't really make you it.
That's pretty fucking funny though
Um... Didn't DC cheat with a towel once?..
Yeah, that is what happens when you lose... You retreat. Thanks.

No, just when interacting with people that claim 2 + 2 = Banana (i.e.-someone clearly not interested in evidence who is arguing in bad faith).

Like I said to the other guy, you are either a troll, someone with explicit self-interest in promoting Islam and depressing Christianity (i.e--A Muslim or Western atheist), or someone working out some sort of mental health issue through this political issue.

In none of those cases am I interested in discussing, especially in an online format where people don't have to link their face/name/reputation to idiocy.
Pretending there is meaningful equivalency between Christianity and Islam in terms of real-world outputs is frankly really stupid.

There is a reason why Muslims beat down the doors to get into Christian (majority) nations, but Christians virtually never consider moving to a Muslim (majority) country.

Indeed; I can’t think of any mosques where peodophillia is on an epidemic level

It’s all fckin made up nonsense anyways, and only an idiot would try to justify 1 being good, and 1 being bad.

Oh and maybe you should look at Dubai or Qatar as to how much of their population is made up of non Muslims. It seems that people from all over the world are beating down their doors to live and work their
What an idiot, he really doesn't understand what he's putting himself into.
Theres more christians than muslims in the world .. he has the christian community backing him , no women should be covering their face or treated the way they are . Not being able to drive or speak without being spoken too ect... very primitive mindset and very old testament.

Forcing your wives to wear a towel because of some made up sky god.


How in the fuckfuc world you know she was forced?
And ive been an agnostic for 12 years
Indeed; I can’t think of any mosques where peodophillia is on an epidemic level

It’s all fckin nonsense anyways, and only an idiot would try to justify 1 being good, and 1 being bad.

Oh and maybe you should look at Dubai or Qatar as to how much of their population is made up of non Muslims. It seems that people from all over the world are beating down their doors to live and work their

Even if you are an atheist, you should be able to see the huge differences in quality-of-life between Christian majority nations and Muslim majority nations, as well as the wildly different magnitudes of Muslim-to-Christian and Christian-to-Muslim immigration/movement.

If you can't admit very simple things, you should remove yourself from the discussion.

It's honestly shameful that in 2019, we are still having this type of discussion for something so blatantly obvious.
Should've kept it up, it was fucking hilarious {<jordan}

Why is laughing about others beliefs/cultures is hillarious?
I kind of understand why the US last hope is Trump. Hopefully your ready for progress in a couple of years after his time.