your impressions if khabib did what conor is doing.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 556651
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youre retarded if you compare islam to white supremacy. i mean your iq must be in the 80s at best. i shouldnt even be required to explain this to you and the fact that i might need to proves my point.

Ya who am i to equate a religion that represses and mutalates woman while either killing or jailing gays to that of an ideology who whats to mutalate kill or jail blacks?

What was i thinking?

Its a fucked up ideology. It you follow this ideology that makes you fucked up.
nah its not. its still not disrespecting millions of people who have nothing to do with this. Conor is disrespecting Muslims, dagestanies and people who have nothing to do with this. calling someone a rapist is still between you and him. once you attack fans religions, countries etc youre at a new level of low.

Hes not disrespecting a religion, hes disrespecting Khabib. If Muslims are offended by him attacks on Khabib, then that is their issue. Im not anti islam or any of these made up religions. If people want to believe this rubbish, in this day and age, good luck to them lol. However, McGregor has a right to say what he likes, unless he lives in a country that adopts sharia law.
Mcgregor is a c**t for the way he goes after opponents. Its all to get an advantage and because hes a piece of shit. Khabib has every fckin right to knock him clean out if they bump in to each other, but if other muslims have taken offence, then that is their issue
You were born in the West then converted to Islam without parental/familial influence? If your parents and grandparents were also Muslim I'm assuming they share your values. Making me wonder why they immigrated to the West. In a perfect world (where you had the financial security/means of income lined up) you must dream of moving to a stable Islamic state, eh? I would if I was you. That or aspire to do my part to convert my home nation into an Islamic state maybe.
you dont need to convert anyone. fact is i defended myself when i was attacked. ppl like you wanna bash muslims none stop and god forbid one of them make a reaction, when they do make a reaction theyre told to go somewhere else or that theyre trying to infiltrate LOL. bro grow a pair of brain cells will you? there are hundred of thousands of converts that dont have muslims parents grandparents or grand grand parents. 2nd of all muslims arent some special breed of people that will take your shit no matter what. theyre more patient than most but read the comments in here yourself and feel the vibes. 3rd talk shit and you get talked shit back at ya. simple.
Ya who am i to equate a religion that represses and mutalates woman while either killing or jailing gays to that of an ideology who whats to mutalate kill or jail blacks?

What was i thinking?

Its a fucked up ideology. It you follow this ideology that makes you fucked up.

but in reality there are plenty of Christian women that are repressed or controlled. There are Christian countries where homosexuality is illegal. Its laughable trying to put this just on Islam
Ya who am i to equate a religion that represses and mutalates woman while either killing or jailing gays to that of an ideology who whats to mutalate kill or jail blacks?

What was i thinking?

Its a fucked up ideology. It you follow this ideology that makes you fucked up.
99% of muslims womens are not circumcised so this is a lie. millions of christian women in africa are circumcised. so circumcision is a cultural thing not a religion thing. jail blacks? good god youre reaching... youre the ones that enslaved 100s of millions of people. in the 70s 40 years ago the zoo of belgium had blacks caged in there like animals for people to watch. what are you talking about?? look at yourself in the mirror.
but in reality there are plenty of Christian women that are repressed or controlled. There are Christian countries where homosexuality is illegal. Its laughable trying to put this just on Islam
read my reply to him plz.
but in reality there are plenty of Christian women that are repressed or controlled. There are Christian countries where homosexuality is illegal. Its laughable trying to put this just on Islam

Yup. Putting it on Islam.

Notice how all the western advanced nations are founded by Christianity and have evolved passed the religion? Show me the equal with Islam as it's foundation and I will likely see some fucked up repressive laws and anti rights towards woman and gays.

You get nothing sir. And I will shit on that religion as often as I can.
Khabib is encouraging very dangerous zealots to commit murder over some jokes in poor taste ffs. Can't get any lower, sleazier, or straight up fucked than that.

**Autstic screeching** That's islamaphobic!!!!
Sooo miss I feel like the TS is giving you guys more than enough reason to ban his stupid ass by now. He’s got to be trolling, no one is that stupid
Yup. Putting it on Islam.

Notice how all the western advanced nations are founded by Christianity and have evolved passed the religion? Show me the equal with Islam as it's foundation and I will likely see some fucked up repressive laws and anti rights towards woman and gays.

You get nothing sir. And I will shit on that religion as often as I can.

1958. Black kid caged in a zoo for people to watch in Belgium europe. advanced my ass.
Conor started it, and invited a response.

But Khabib was completely out of order to tweet what he did, his tweet was 100x more serious than Conor's, but I suspect Conor knew what he was doing, which makes me think we will be hearing soon that the rape thing is dead.
Sooo miss I feel like the TS is giving you guys more than enough reason to ban his stupid ass by now. He’s got to be trolling, no one is that stupid
ban everyone else that insulted aswell. read some of the replies and stop being biased.
What's racist? The goat comment? Relax. Would it matter if he changed the type of animal?

Please don't try and tell me the wedding veil joke was racist, it looked like a towel, we all saw it. It was goofy. Everyone needs to relax.
Pretty sure that "black kid at the zoo" photo is from 2016 and that is actually a Council of Europe assembly. Try again.
Conor is your typical keyboard warrior, when shit gets real, he cowers away.

Look at big mustache guy on the left and how disappointed he is Conor is shook lmao. Way cocky strutting to the cage and before the fight but can't look Khabib in the face. This is one of my all time favorite gifs.
Look at big mustache guy on the left and how disappointed he is Conor is shook lmao. Way cocky strutting to the cage and before the fight but can't look Khabib in the face. This is one of my all time favorite gifs.
Never noticed that, thanks.

1958. Black kid caged in a zoo for people to watch in Belgium europe. advanced my ass.

lol 1968.

Fella this is the here and now.

This is just for fuckin lul's

This poor kid stole bread.

This poor woman's crime was being gang raped.

Then theres the gays...can't have the gays!
(not gonna post the pics of gays being killed because that's a bit over the line)

(The five — four nations and one would-be nation — where the death penalty is actually imposed for same-sex intimacy are Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Somalia and the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh.)

Saudi Arabia...isn't that like the heart of Islam? Get the fuck outta here with your regressive, repressive ideology.
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you dont need to convert anyone. fact is i defended myself when i was attacked. ppl like you wanna bash muslims none stop and god forbid one of them make a reaction, when they do make a reaction theyre told to go somewhere else or that theyre trying to infiltrate LOL. bro grow a pair of brain cells will you? there are hundred of thousands of converts that dont have muslims parents grandparents or grand grand parents. 2nd of all muslims arent some special breed of people that will take your shit no matter what. theyre more patient than most but read the comments in here yourself and feel the vibes. 3rd talk shit and you get talked shit back at ya. simple.

Of course there are. I'll repeat my question: are you one of them? If not (as I suspect) I'm pointing out a lack of critical thinking on your part in order to question the values you've been brought up with. Even up to the point where you condone death threats (making a thread celebrating Khabib's reaction even though said reaction included encouraging his followers to commit violence/murder against someone who insulted him), and condemn crass insults as being worse than fomenting violence/murder. And if you are indeed an independent convert that only gives you fewer excuses to subscribing to such dangerous notions.

How did I attack you exactly? I believe you were the one throwing insults and hurling accusations of racism (erroneous on more than one level). I presented a case as to why you're focusing on the wrong issue, and thereby contributing to a very real problem (not really "talking shit", unlike your emotionally charged insults) and you respond by attacking my character and throwing insults at me.

And you are only exacerbating the "vibes" you speak of in this thread by throwing around emotional and serious insults and accusations.

I think it's obvious to any objective observer that I have exhibited far more patience than you have in our interaction, which is funny considering you're part of a group that you claim inherently exhibits more patience than most other groups of people (which is prejudice, or "racist" as you would say, in and of itself).
Khabib still didnt go as low as conor did. He still refuses to bring conor wife into this. and he refuses to dis Christianity like Conor dises Islam. Note that if he chose to do so your reaction would change 180 degrees and you all would be moaning and crying. But khabib is at his lowest of lows more of a man than Conor and still refuses to go as low as Conor by not bringing ppl who have nothing to do with the fight into the line of shit talking like Conors wife or his Christian fans.

Give the man some credit and stop acting like they both at the same level.

YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE $500m before you’re 30????

Insult Islam and then KO its undefeated champion

Conor has enough clout for 2 rematches. He starches khabob in 1’of 3 tries