2019 Summer Football Discussion Thread v2 - Stop they're already dead edition

Favourite filling in a doughnut

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Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score

Arsenal - Bones, Concrete, Frenz, fingercuffs, DangDaGawd, Clear Winner, wang xiangzhai, Goonerview , Gunners, Mga223, LilMountain, Kadafi, Good Ole Stannis, RockNRoll98

Brighton - Got no fans
Bournemouth - Got no fans
Burnley - Got no fans
Cardiff City - WEO
Chelsea - looktwice, kaybee
Crystal Palace - Unblemishedcontainer
Everton - Got No Fans.Fulham - Ens189]
Leicester - Old Bob

Liverpool - Sebbe, ShamrockFTW, GracieMMABarra, Shamrocker, Zimo, Riberaria377, Byron, Spoken, Rebelfett, Fadeless

Manchester City - Fijeeto, Father EOW
Manchester United- Nowhere Fast, LEWIS540, Jimmy McGill, Sexy, El Che, UVee, Dr J, Chris Partlow , RR, danny23, East Stand Dabber, Revolver

Newcastle - Bubzeh
So'ton - Got No Fans.

Tottenham Bottlespur- Carl Drogo , blockeybloke, fetalpuzishun, clumseygenius, bolochung, hoonosewot88, Alpha Omega Man, Chules

Watford - Got No Fans.
West Ham - Syd, Tobago Jones.

Football League:
Aston Villa - JonKunDo & Mongol.
Mansfield Town - Blokeybloke
Norwich - Kirku.
Sundercan - Cardona, UltraMagnus

Scottish Football:
Celtic - Shamrocker, Clumseygenius, Zimo
Rangers - Alpha Omega Man

NYCFC - CryptKeeper
Portland Timbers - Xtramob

Rest of Europe:
Real Madrid - Rawex , DS7, Kadafi
Barcelona - fbed2332, Da Speeit, El Che
Atletico Madrid - Lustercross, Edwin
Napoli - Fadeless
Buyern - Xtramob & CubicleGangster
Borussia Dortmund (Reus bless) = Deffs, Sebbe
Fiorentina - Kaybee
1. FC Kaiserslautern - Wallybear
Lyon - kerozene74
FC Porto - Fadeless
Benfica - DS7
PSG - Kooshin Diini


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Whatever it is, its making invading Russia during winter like a great plan.

Chules trying to make the thread and defend his bae's honour at the same time ^
@Deffid liking that cunt's post

dead to me

doing really shit atm

cant stop eating

cant stop feeling like im in a rut.

It's hard not to laugh at the fact she hasn't let it go while Crystal Dunn there is proudly standing and saluting.

But Jesus, I was really hoping there wouldn't be any of this political shit in this thread though I should have known better. I don't agree with it. I was a staunch critic of #BLM & Kaepernick, but she's an American, and she has a right to voice her opinion. This is as civil as protest gets. It isn't costing anyone money like it did in the NFL. If anyone doesn't like it tune the fuck out snowflake.

Megan is the pride of Redding. I don't give a shit about the distraction of politics, here. I'm going to support her because every girl on that team is a champion. They are my champions. That's how you get on the roster. These are the people who have won at every level their whole lives. So now they represent us.

And they made a statement yesterday. 10 fucking goals in the second half. Sweet jeebus, soccer needs a mercy rule.
Thanks for chiming in. I tune out because the politics that the women have brought upon themselves that is then harped on by the media and politicians. Want to represent the US and use it as an opportunity to push a dopey political agenda while playing subpar footy—fine, but it’s not for me. If the product was better, I’d be more inclined to watch—which I have for pretty much every other Olympics and WC.

Soccer doesn’t need a mercy rule—they need to limit the amount of teams that get to participate. Teams that would get railroaded by shitty boys rec teams probably have no business competing in major international tournaments.
Best fred ever
@Clear Winner She didn’t take a knee. The that was a previous picture. She was told to stand and did. She refused to put her hand over her heart and sing. Pretty lame, but I just find her to be annoying.

The celebration just sucked, whether it was a 1-0 or a 9-0 celebration. That it was 9-0 made it classless, to boot.
I have no issue with the amount of goals the USWNT scored yesterday. You score as much as you can in a round robin game. Score 30 for all I care.

The celebrating after the 12th goal was absurd though. Did Germany do the airplane after their 7th goal vs Brazil last men's WC? Which by the way was FAR more impressive than scoring 13 vs the Thai women. No, they barely celebrated as they knew they already had the game won and kept it classy.

Also why is there such a debate over how the USWNT should get paid more than the men because they're more successful? Do these idiots not realize how much more parity there is between the top 50 men's teams vs the women? Norway vs Belgium will be a competitive men's match (1st vs 50th ranked) The 1st place vs 50th for the women would be America vs Papua New Guinea, and that's a match genuinely not worth playing it would be so lopsided.

Sometimes I do similar stuff to fool the others so another even better positioned player gets wide open.

and sometimes when I'm lazy and want to rest :p
Sometimes I do similar stuff to fool the others so another even better positioned player gets wide open.

and sometimes when I'm lazy and want to rest :p
Or maybe Dier is just shit?
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