Dating Women Your Age

What is a mail order bride exactly? And I’m not quite sure what you mean by that anyway.

I made a thread about that too a while back wondering what the deal with them were and someone posted a link to a site with a bunch listed.

On the section for Filipina women from the philipines it said something to the effect of, Filipina women are looking for western men and want to control your finances.
Better never hear you or 90% of the other inceldoggers talk shit to me or even question me when it comes their women skills again after your shameful displays in that simp thirst trap thread. You guys can't even talk shit to @Steven_Universe anymore after that thread he's your god because he's at least willing to post receipts where I am not.

Bunch of average frustrated chumps don't get to talk down to those of us out here on the frontlines bunker bustering the pussy.
What simp thirst trap thread?
I tend to not want to date girls too young. They gotta be in their late 20s at least. I dont wanna teach nobody shit.
99% of the girls I date or bang are between 18-25.

I don't see that changing anytime soon.
I made a thread about that too a while back wondering what the deal with them were and someone posted a link to a site with a bunch listed.

On the section for Filipina women from the philipines it said something to the effect of, Filipina women are looking for western men and want to control your finances.

Dated a 23 year old when I was 30 and honestly we didn't have a ton in common. We would always reference different shit that neither knew about. I'm very happy dating a woman my own age now (33).
My wife is 23 years older than me and I’m fucking all about it. She’s an amazing person the age doesn’t make a difference to me.
Ah, I know it. It's hilarious how obviously insecure and boring that chick is and how obvious her vie for attention is, yet the thread still has over 500 replies.


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