Social Exhibit A of Healthcare cost problem in USA


Putting on the foil
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Jun 26, 2012
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Man gets scratched by a stray cat and it draws blood. He's worried about diseases so calls his doctor. His doctors says to go to the ER and get a rabies vaccine shot to be safe (because clinics don't often carry it)

While at the ER, man Google costs of rabies vaccines and is worried at what he finds. He asks the nurses and doctors how much the shot will cost. No one can give him an answer. He's just going to get a bill in the mail later.

Man decides to go against his doctor's instructions and risk getting badly sick because he's fearful of getting a 10k plus bill that will significantly harm his quality of living elsewhere. A few months later, he still got a bill of $2,500 for his visit. 2300 of that simply for walking through the door (the rest a tetanus shot and an ibuprofen). On the bill, it showed that if he had gotten the rabies shot his doctor told him to get that non of the ER docs or nurses could tell him the price of, it would have been $13,048.


In summary, the prices are out of control, and the cost isn't available to the customer which should be illegal. I don't believe simply shifting the burden of $2300 for going to Er and nothing else, and a $13k "just in case" rabies shot to the tax bill will solve the problem. But a solution involving price fixing for anything mass produced and mandating price transparency I would be very behind.
They charge a fortune because nobody without insurance actually pays, and when someone doesn't pay they want to be able to claim the biggest possible loss.

I once received a bill for 90,000... since I have insurance I corrected the mistake and they charged the insurance company 2500 instead.

WTF? I understand giving a big insurance company a discount, but 90k to 2.5k is ridiculous and points to outright fraud.
In Canada the system is non-profit, there's no incentive for the government to essentially... charge itself 13K. Employees get paid, but hospitals are non-profit ventures. No pharmaceutical companies gouging prices or insurance companies making profit from people's sickness. The issue in the US is that every aspect of healthcare is about making profit, not about efficiently dispensing healthcare to the population.

When I was in the US I found it amusing to see so many different ambulance patterns, a different pattern for each private hospital. In Canada all ambulances look the same for each province, they all work for the government.
I have a friend who was just diagnosed with a softball sized tumor in his chest and he has medical insurance and even with that theyre putting this poor bastard thru the ringer.

Imagine being told you might have a life threatening illness and now you have to take calls from 20 people a day about paying medical deductibles. Everyone giving you the run around.

American HC is a shitty joke. People deserve so much better
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In Canada the system is non-profit, there's no incentive for the government to essentially... charge itself 13K. Employees get paid, but hospitals are non-profit ventures. No pharmaceutical companies gouging prices or insurance companies making profit from people's sickness. The issue in the US is that every aspect of healthcare is about making profit, not about efficiently dispensing healthcare to the population.

When I was in the US I found it amusing to see so many different ambulance patterns, a different pattern for each private hospital. In Canada all ambulances look the same for each province, they all work for the government.

Canada is a much more advanced place than America. Our healthcare system actually looks after people, and provides word class coverage to everyone. America has major problems with healthcare. For such a rich country, what the hell is going on there?
Seems like the HC industry is at peak performance, tbh. Working as intended, perhaps better.
Fuck our healthcare system. Fuck the doctors, fuck the insurance companies.

I don’t want a shit run NHS system either.

we have a chance to make the best system ever.
Once you realize the American health care system is not actually about providing quality and affordable care to the American citizenry, but instead about making as much profit as possible while doing just enough to not get sued, it becomes clear that the system isn't broken at all.
Canada is a much more advanced place than America. Our healthcare system actually looks after people, and provides word class coverage to everyone. America has major problems with healthcare. For such a rich country, what the hell is going on there?

Have a lower class that literally cost us an arm and a leg.

Tens of millions of people that from cradle to grave never got a job, or contributed to society in any constructive way.

my buddy is a firefighter, used to be an Emt in Kansas City and he said the poor people would call 911 and get ambulance rides for free across town and then just walk away

people game the system like a national pastime here

If American were full of Japanese people, it’d work. Japanese don’t loot after disasters.
Hey man at least he didnt have to wait in line. I heard if he was in Canada he would have died waiting in line.
the cheapest healthcare is exercise , proper diet, and lots of water and sleep. The self-healing powers of a healthy body are incredible.
Have a lower class that literally cost us an arm and a leg.

Tens of millions of people that from cradle to grave never got a job, or contributed to society in any constructive way.

my buddy is a firefighter, used to be an Emt in Kansas City and he said the poor people would call 911 and get ambulance rides for free across town and then just walk away

people game the system like a national pastime here

If American were full of Japanese people, it’d work. Japanese don’t loot after disasters.

My buddy says....Therefore it's true.
the cheapest healthcare is exercise , proper diet, and lots of water and sleep. The self-healing powers of a healthy body are incredible.

How the fuck will that prevent you from getting rabies
Canada is a much more advanced place than America. Our healthcare system actually looks after people, and provides word class coverage to everyone. America has major problems with healthcare. For such a rich country, what the hell is going on there?

We subsidize all the research and development of health care. You leach off of us. You also leach off of our defense. Nobody can fuck with you because of our military.

Must be nice
the cheapest healthcare is exercise , proper diet, and lots of water and sleep. The self-healing powers of a healthy body are incredible.

Or just dont live in a third-world country.
What the fuck do you think the thread is about dipshit? Can you fucking read?

I'll give you a fucking hint. He couldn't get an answer about how much his DOCTOR RECCOMENDED TREATMENT OF RABIES SHOT would cost, and it turned out to be absurd.

That clear enough? Fuck your stupid.

Eat some kale and stick your hand in a rabid animals mouth. See how much it helps.
given that he doesnt have rabies, perhaps in the future if he is concerned about healthcare costs he would be wise to take care of his health in the ways i suggested...

for every conversation we have about healthcare costs, we should also be talking about why people are so damn unhealthy in the first place. it all begins with diet, exercise, and sleep. As much as we demand affordable healthcare, so too should Americans be crying out for a shorter work week, and gov’t-subsidized bicycles and running shoes.
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Fuck our healthcare system. Fuck the doctors, fuck the insurance companies.

I don’t want a shit run NHS system either.

we have a chance to make the best system ever.

Single payer aka Medicare for all is not an NHS system.
We subsidize all the research and development of health care. You leach off of us. You also leach off of our defense. Nobody can fuck with you because of our military.

Must be nice

Our tax dollars subsidize research and development of healthcare for privatized profits. And us defending Canada from who? From fucking who? Who has tried invading Canada in the last 100 years? Fucking no one. That is a bull shit excuse just so you can keep taking it in the ass from big corporations. Well the rest of us don't like getting fucked in the ass. So how about you cut the bullshit and just sign up for grinder instead of weighing in on health care?
given that he doesnt have rabies, perhaps in the future if he is concerned about healthcare costs he would be wise to take care of his health in the ways i suggested...

for every conversation we have about healthcare costs, we should also be talking about why people are so damn unhealthy in the first place. it all begins with diet, exercise, and sleep. As much as we demand affordable healthcare, so too should Americans be crying out for a shorter work week, and gov’t-subsidized bicycles and running shoes.

Stfu Marry Ann Williamson. You are out of the race. Now go rub crystals all over yourself in a corner somewhere.
He went to the doctor because a cat scratched him??
I wouldn't want to be forced to share healthcare costs with people like that either.