Media Conor McGregor Shows Off New Striking Style on The Pads (footage)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 545701
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Looks slow and i don't see him waaaay bigger than cowboy. Less combinations and just 3 punches. Also lot's of boxing
so it's clear what he's going to use

but it's pad work, we have to wait what cowboy does on fight day.
He's using the 52 blocks boxing style. It's a boxing style developed in American prisons. Rampage used to use it. Very interesting.
More snap than a crocodile. Would loved to see him snap that twerps pencil neck with teh jab
that dude is a troll who works for barstool sports or some online sports site, he was doing a whole bunch of shit leading up to the fight and triggered a good number of sherdoggers. People legit thought he was some hardcore conor fanboi
He's using the 52 blocks boxing style. It's a boxing style developed in American prisons. Rampage used to use it. Very interesting.
Conors running hes own camp he's trainers are just there to cheer lead on the side and say yes good man conor.
Exactly my thoughts after seeing the round of applause at every break in mitt work..
He looks to me like if he doesnt get the finish early hes gonna gas and get his ass kicked.
is that some famous DJ coming to DJ at his training or something? that's pretty sweet if that's the case
Hes gonna gas from all of that bouncing hes down. Hes looking to pop shot and move by the looks of this. He may get passed Cowboy but other than this 1 he is done on the elite level. This is the best fight for him.
Yeah fuck training anything else, just throw straight lefts at the pads all day.
Was this really what I said? Jesus why is my keyboard not typing what I want to really say?
He looks massive and jacked at WW.
his cardio can possibly be worse due to the added muscles
I took the opposite conclusion. Comparing him to top WWs, he doesn't look like a WW. At all. As stupid as the phrase
"LW who isn't cutting weight" for divisional rankings is, yeah, he looks like a LW not cutting weight in terms of physical size.
Squaring his shoulders more and using a high guard. Trying to compensate with angles and more activity with the right hand but I don't like it. I doubt he fights much differently than we've seen him come January 18th. He's just working on some boxing entries and exits here is my guess.
He's using the 52 blocks boxing style. It's a boxing style developed in American prisons. Rampage used to use it. Very interesting.

Call it 52 blocks, crazy monkey, muay boran, or whatever. Its as old as human first fighting. And i like it. I wish more MMA fighters would use it.