WHY didn’t Cowboy take the double when Conor telegraphed his initial Left Hand???

There was no force behind the thigh "strike", Donald just didn't try to take him down. He shoves his hand between Connors legs instead of swinging outside for the double. Not very believable and amateurish looking for a guy who has done it over and over
So if someone jumps at you and you lean into it you don’t think that catching a stray thigh could give you issues?
the perfect level change resulted in a knee on the jaw

Let’s be honest: it was a thigh with no power behind it, as it was the result of Conor stepping forward after throwing a massive left, rather that a proper knee.
The question is why didnt cowboy just knock conor out cold with a counter punch.
It was but I believe with a stroke of luck with the thigh landing hard it is what won him the fight.

You might be right. Conor looked strong, I’m just not big on fighters trying to blitz the opponent. I think more times than not the aggressor will get wrecked with that approach.

On the other hand, if that had landed we have a likely highlight reel KO.
So if someone jumps at you and you lean into it you don’t think that catching a stray thigh could give you issues?

Unless it knocks you out, its not going to make you change course mid way. Same as how if you eat a jab while throwing an overhand youre not going to stop your overhand mid air. Youre going to swing and miss or trade shots.
Him not hitting this takedown is the main thing that gets me a touch suspicious on this fight. I know he copped the thigh to the head, but that takedown has been Cerrone's bread and butter.

9/10 times Cowboy drops down, wraps the legs and takes it to the ground. This is the most suspicious thing in the fight for me.

Right in the gif you can see Donald try for the TD, miss Conor's leg, and eat a knee to the eye.

Do you guys even watch combat sports?
I picked Conor to win this fight, but being a longtime connoisseur of this sport I’m fully aware of Cowboys abilities and I’ve seen him take that shot DOZENS of times...

So again I ask WHY Cowboy hit a perfect level change and opted for a high clinch when Conor rushed him out the gate and overextended with that left hand???

Was Cowboy “incentivized” not to grapple or fight a certain way? Even when he was in trouble he never once attempted a grappling exchange.


Because he isn't an elite wrestler? You dumbass.
He also did nothing when in the clinch and was eating the "shoulder shots". He did nothing in general except just showing up to the fight.
The shoulder shots are kind of like when Tony Ferguson does a spinning elbow off a fake wrestling takedown you don't train for it. If you think Cerrone even spent 1 session defending shoulder blows from the clinch you'd be wrong.
Unless it knocks you out, its not going to make you change course mid way. Same as how if you eat a jab while throwing an overhand youre not going to stop your overhand mid air. Youre going to swing and miss or trade shots.
Completely incorrect. If one orthodox fighter lands a jab, while another orthodox fighter is throwing an overhand, the overhand will miss every single time. There isn't a path for the overhand to land, since the left arm of the fighter throwing the jab is covering his face. If he tucks the chin, his head isn't exposed either.

I swear to god you guys don't actually watch combat sports.

In fact, you see similar situations in mma all the time. In Diaz vs McGregor 2, Diaz wings a huge right hand that Conor counters before it connects, and the right just flies over Conor's head. GSP did the same thing to Hughes every time Hughes threw a punch. Arlovski did the same thing to Fedor for multiple exchanges.

Getting out-timed means you almost always miss the strike you're throwing. If you beat someone to the punch, you out timed them. Aldo's left automatically continuing and hitting Conor on the eye doesn't undo the other million examples of the opposite happening.
I picked Conor to win this fight, but being a longtime connoisseur of this sport I’m fully aware of Cowboys abilities and I’ve seen him take that shot DOZENS of times...

So again I ask WHY Cowboy hit a perfect level change and opted for a high clinch when Conor rushed him out the gate and overextended with that left hand???

Was Cowboy “incentivized” not to grapple or fight a certain way? Even when he was in trouble he never once attempted a grappling exchange.


Not all of us care who won,that fight was a fuckin disgrace either way
Completely incorrect. If one orthodox fighter lands a jab, while another orthodox fighter is throwing an overhand, the overhand will miss every single time. There isn't a path for the overhand to land, since the left arm of the fighter throwing the jab is covering his face. If he tucks the chin, his head isn't exposed either.

I swear to god you guys don't actually watch combat sports.

In fact, you see similar situations in mma all the time. In Diaz vs McGregor 2, Diaz wings a huge right hand that Conor counters before it connects, and the right just flies over Conor's head. GSP did the same thing to Hughes every time Hughes threw a punch. Arlovski did the same thing to Fedor for multiple exchanges.

Getting out-timed means you almost always miss the strike you're throwing. If you beat someone to the punch, you out timed them. Aldo's left automatically continuing and hitting Conor on the eye doesn't undo the other million examples of the opposite happening.

Are you kidding me? Lol you wrote all and missed the forrest for the trees. My point is the overhand isnt going to magically stop mid way. That was the whole point. Where it goes afterwards is irrelevant.
Apparently you need to be an “Elite Wrestler” now to take down an overextended Mcgregor...

Go take an MMA class ThunderDork.


You need good takedown timing. Not sure if you watched any of Cowboy's 759 fights, but he doesn't have it.

You are one dumb motherfucker who made one dumb motherfukcin thread.
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because cowboy sucks ?

look i hate conor too. but there's no denying he's world class. Cowboy is a journeyman who has never been in ufc title contention. This was suppose to be a tune up fight for conor and it was.
Cowboy crumbles under pressure and Conor exploited that beautifully, that's all there is to it.