This Effectively Ends Jones' Claims to GOATness


Gold Belt
Jun 1, 2002
Reaction score
This fight was a robbery, purely and simply.

There is no way one can with a straight face give any of the first three to Jones without indulging in blind favoritism. Jones' last three performances since returning (3/4) have been the worst of his career. Four out of five where he didn't piss hot have been his worst, counting the OSP fight. This only reinforces that his dominance was aided by external factors. He just hasn't looked the same since returning, and not because competition suddenly got better: Smith, Santos and Reyes were touted as some of the easiest fights in theory Jones should have had.

This is not some diatribe, but when there is a 2:1 media score ratio despite the fact Jones was a 3/4:1 favorite, you have a clear indicator.

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> Jon Jones breaks record for most championships wins in UFC history

> Sherdog claims that ends his claim to Goatness


Imagine if Jones had tapped to strikes sometime in his career lol.

I think the Jones that beat Shogun and DC would beat any MMA fighter to ever live. But this version of Jones could have easily lost his last two fights, and should have definitely lost this last fight. He just doesn't look as good as he did before.
This fight was a robbery, purely and simply.

There is no way one can with a straight face give any of he first three to Jones without indulging in blind favoritism. Jones' last three performances since returning (3/4) have been the worst of his career. This only reinforces that his dominance was aided by external factors. He just hasn't looked the same since returning, and not because competition suddenly got better: Smith, Santos and Reyes were touted as some of the easiest fights in theory Jones should have had.
Robbery? Come TF on. I think JJ won, but it was close. Hardly a robbery
Jones got beat down most of the fight, definitely 1-3, and 4& 5 could've gone either way but id give 5 to Reyes...All those take down attempts by Jon & he didn't get a single one, in real wrestling Reyes gets points for the escape every time & Jon gets none...Reyes clearly won the fight, and Jones gets another gift decision...The two things that impressed me most in the fight were Jones' toughness for taking a beating & still stayed pretty strong albeit with low output, & Reyes' stamina for pounding on Jones all fight & still having enough gas left in the tank to finish just as strong as Jones did...the end
Cleaning out a new generation of fighters
If you have a brain, it should end the argument that he’s the goat. He’s clean now and struggling. As recently as yesterday I thought he might be goat without the juice. I was wrong. He’s still a champion, but he loses at least a few fights fighting clean his whole career.
I think the Jones that beat Shogun and DC would beat any MMA fighter to ever live. But this version of Jones could have easily lost his last two fights, and should have definitely lost this last fight. He just doesn't look as good as he did before.

That's fair, but you can't be surprised a guy who has been fighting for over a decade already is starting to slow down.
I think the Jones that beat Shogun and DC would beat any MMA fighter to ever live. But this version of Jones could have easily lost his last two fights, and should have definitely lost this last fight. He just doesn't look as good as he did before.
I think the fedor that beat nog would fuck him up
That's fair, but you can't be surprised a guy who has been fighting for over a decade already is starting to slow down.

So what, I am not discussing whether it makes sense for him to slow down or not. I am saying his last three fights he has not looked as good as he did before he pissed hot and got suspended.
Beating a top 5 opponent never does that. Ever. It was a close fight. His fights are getting closer. He isn't finishing guys, but he's still winning.
> Jon Jones breaks record for most championships wins in UFC history

> Sherdog claims that ends his claim to Goatness


Imagine if Jones had tapped to strikes sometime in his career lol.
Imagine if Jones had lost to Fabio Maldobabo
Only idiots rate someone so highly for beating past prime 'legends' who looked 2 weight divisions smaller in the first place.
Are simply going to ignore that prior to pissing hot Jones basically dominated everyone with relative ease (excepting Gustaffson) and since coming back he has had his three worst performances in a row, against two former middleweights, out of four fights, with two split decisions?
So what, I am not discussing whether it makes sense for him to slow down or not. I am saying his last three fights he has not looked as good as he did before he pissed hot and got suspended.

Give credit to his opponents instead of shit on him - the competitors are getting better and better and he is getting older. This all makes perfect sense - it's not that hard to understand lol
I don't think you can call that a robbery. 1 and 2, Reyes all day. 4 and 5, Jones all day. Reyes did good work early in the 3rd, and Jones came back late in the 3rd. 3rd was a swing round, imo.

Now that jackass that had it 4-1 for Jones should never judge a fight again, but the 48-46 scores were all fine with me. I wouldn't have been mad if Reyes got the decision either because it was close.

It was a damn good fight. I know people like to hate on Jones, but it was close, and by no means was it a robbery.
I don't know. I gave Jones round 3. Octagon control. My buddy thought Reyes had it, could have gone either way.
That 49-46 judge should be shit-canned for sure though.
If you have a brain, it should end the argument that he’s the goat. He’s clean now and struggling. As recently as yesterday I thought he might be goat without the juice. I was wrong. He’s still a champion, but he loses at least a few fights fighting clean his whole career.
The benefits of steroid use don't go away when you stop taking them. Jones can never be clean now since he used steroids