International Coronavirus Breaking News, v11: NBA Cancelled. Tom Hanks Infected. U.S Bans Travels From Europe.

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Prime minister and health minister of Norway holding a press conference right now. Introducing the most severe / strongest measures ever taken in peacetime.
'Marca' reports that the Champions League and Europa League will be suspended.
Yup, I work in industrial hygiene. Phase 2 after schools then is going to be businesses/buildings closing down if there are confirmed cases for deep cleaning and quarantines. Not everyone has remote access. Now you have an even higher demand on essential needs with people staying home unexpectedly with their kids for 3 weeks. Add that to already existing shortage of essential need items and shit could get interesting.

I'm no conspiracy theorist or alarmist either I just know how crazy it gets for 2 snow days around here let alone 3 weeks of unexpected home time

This thing is causing new and interesting problems that you normally only see on the SYFY channel.

Isn't the viability in the air only hours compared to surfaces which is days?

If that's true the general hygiene concepts still make a lot of sense.
Yes and no. As the guy on JRE said, the evidence that touching your face can cause infection is shoddy at best. It's a good general hygiene practice, but with airborn viruses it won't do much imho, and his educated opinion. I am no expert by any stretch of the immagination, but from hearing and reading pretty much everything about this virus, that seems to be the consensus. The guy whose tweet I posted earlier is a Dutch virologist, and he's saying pretty much the same thing; only social distancing can curb this thing, due to it being airborn.
is it not possible to have a locked thread that only a select few can post to, so there are no useless comments like mine here to sift through?

And then have an open one for us all as well? I annoy myself when I make comments that other people have to scroll past

Well, you could just read the OP which contains all the links. Or you could just scroll by all comments, stopping only when you see tweets or articles.
The virus was manufactured in a lab by Illuminati to “humanly” reduce world population. *tinfoil hat on*
It kills old people and make young men infertile. Make sense.

my wife just had a spontaneous abortion, I guess we will not get another chance. :(

PS: yeah I probably got it already since I got that dry cough out of nowhere.

oh and hello everyone! Long time last time we talked. How is everyone?!
I’ve got a dry cough for the last three days... a we’ll be fine imo.
It doesn't contradict the other experts, it's an airborn virus, so transmitted through breathing, basically. The whole wash your hands, don't touch your face, is general preferred hygiene, especially during viral outbreaks, but imho are more intended to give a slightly false sense of security, than to actually curb the infection rate.
Every source I've read says that it can only be transmitted through water droplets from someone sneezing, not simply by breathing the same air. And other reputable sources are saying that you can pick it up off surfaces and that washing your hands is important.
I just proposed that to the other WR mods. Considering the traffic it's getting I think that'll be a yes.

Also please keep it to one thread - would be easier

This new forum software should be able to handle lengthy threads
I hate to say it but the Tom Hanks thing will make this more serious to the plebs and influence more than you probably think. We needed a high profile case to make it around the public conciousness.
So Joe Rogan had an infectious disease expert on and he claimed that there's no evidence that washing your hands will work and that you can get the virus just from breathing the same air. This completely contradicts what all the other experts are saying on the matter, so who's telling the truth?

Washing your hands helps but avoiding face-to-face contact with someone who has it is like 95% of it. I think that the hand washing is somewhat of a cop out and something to tell people to do to assuage fears. It certainly doesn't hurt but it is not something that will stop or even slow the virus in isolation.

Edit: @Gomi1977 beat me to it.
Doctors should be making house calls to people who are on self isolation.
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