News Jon Jones arrested for DWI and Firearm Charges

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As a Self Sabotager myself. I feel for him. Hopefully this can truly be his last fuck up, because it can always get worse.
He needs to fucking leave that town. APD is crooked as shit.

I'm not saying he isn't a complete idiot, because he is. But I could get "pulled over" for what he did anywhere in America and not get 4 fucking charges about it. They're clearly out to get him. He didn't even get pulled over, they just came up and talked to him because they heard gunshots...

I'm not saying he isn't retarded.. because he is. And I think he's trash in the octagon too. Watch a Jones highlight... lol of what? He's total shit and just hugs nuts.

But that city fucking has it out to get him and he needs to move
Are you being sarcastic?
What's going on?

He's acting like an early Mike Tyson, the difference is Mike was much younger at the time, Jon should've gotten all of the stupid shit out of his system by now.

The fact that he can't break the cycle of deviance means there's something fucked up going on with him internally. Like Mike had Cus, it would serve Jon Jones well to have a good mentor of some kind; somebody to keep him from doing stupid shit. A lot of celebs get surrounded with a bunch of "yes men" and no one speaking sense to them.
All three charges seem reasonable to me. Aggravated DWI, negligent use of a firearm and possession of an open container.

I thought his street racing ticket was bullchit tho a few years back.
There's 4 charges.

Driving without insurance. They fucking know who he is.. they know he's insured. They wrote a ticket anyway

Dude I could go fucking get trashed and drive around until I get a dwi. With an open bottle. You don't get another charge over shit like that. Give me the dwi its 20x worse than an open container. Why did he get pulled over? Because someone shot a gun "close" to him? A gunshot sound can travel like 10 miles

It's insane. They're fucking with him and yes he is a fuckup I'm just saying he should leave that town
And all these are misdimenors he won't do 1 day in jail. That department is out to fuxk him
You assholes need to lay off. This is clearly social pulsing from mistakes he made EARLIER in life.
So, aparantely this is across the street where he got stopped


Great investigative work!
Don't know if it's already been posted, but this is from Jones' Twitter from 6/7 days ago:jones_.jpg
Are you being sarcastic?
No. I seriously can't stand Jones and think he is total overrated trash.

But I also think that police department is trash too. They fuck with him and other people. But specifically him. They knew who he was before the stopped him. They are just trying to make news and put as many charges on him as possible. He needs to move.
Someone test that breathalyzer to make sure it’s working properly. I’m pretty sure it was his ADHD and daughter’s dyslexia that caused all of this.
There was probably pictograms of alcohol left in the breathalyzer. The gunfire reported was from his Bentley backfiring as he started it. The weapon was a replica, which was planted by a previous opponent who also stole his insurance papers. He had been training all day, which is why he seemed drunk. Even though most if not all gyms have closed their doors.

Quarantine doesn't apply when you're helping the homeless, which some say of all the times to start during a pandemic is fucking insane - but it's what God wants.

Pretty sure he's innocent.
I don’t even believe he was drunk. The only reason he struggled with the counting and alphabet is because his daughter is dyslexic.
You're the third person quoting that dyslexia thing on here i saw in a few minutes, but who said that?
Sounds quite funny (and desperate, lol)
I know he can afford to get a full time driver for an easy 70k a year.

get an Uber

call a cab

ask a friend to be designated driver

Stay at home, at a hotel, motel, or AirBnB.

but don’t drink and Drive Jon. Goodness
The sociopath strikes again. How much longer till he kills someone.

Daniel Cormier destroyed this guy at life and being A human being.
Hope he gets fullest extent punishment but he wont.
Fuck this pos.
It sounds like he's crying at the end of the footage. Jones literally sounded defeated there.

I'm a pretty outspoken Jones critic and I feel bad hearing him like that. The guy really needs help.