Media Colby Covington on Woodley: "He hates America, he's a f***ing Communist prick"

Only retards call fellow americans communists when they express any leftish idea.

It's a strictly mouth breather activity.

What about when you speak to actual communists? I've ran across a surprising amount. Some study showed that something like 7% of millennials want to give it a go.

"Some of communism’s luminaries are admired by millennials. Thirty-one percent said they have a favorable view of Che Guevara, 32 percent Karl Marx, 23 percent Vladimir Lenin and 19 percent Mao Zedong. Joseph Stalin is viewed favorably by just 6 percent."
Anyone that voted for Trump hates America.
Coby the edgelord, playing straight so the maga hats don't kick him out like they did Milo.

He'd be more popular if he just came out as gay, and embraced his true self.

If milo had some skills he would be hilarious as a fighter and would probably really freak out a lot of his opponents

shtick or no shtick, Colby is still boring af...wake me up when he has a fight scheduled.
His awful schtick was only slightly tolerable when he was on a big winning streak. Now he'd be better off just shutting his mouth and winning some fights.
Hey Sherbros: requesting that Woodley / Holm dancing mashup to 'fallin in and out in and outta love witchu'.

It was good for nonstop laughs, can't seem to find it.

Not enough implied racism. Woodley is slacking these days.
Some of Colby's shit is pathetic and awkward but this is high level. This is the same ploy that's been used throughout recent American history to paint dissenters as anti American and "other". Not bad. Not bad at all.
America doesn't like Woodley because he speaks truth and that makes people uncomfortable.

Smh. People ask Woodley about race or Woodley brings up things people post on his social media and he's the one playing the race card?

Reporter: how do you feel about the treatment of black fighters in the UFC?
Woodley: I think they get promoted differently. They don't get the same push imo. Etc....

Random Sherdogger: Woodley is racist.


Try this:

Woodley: Black fighters get treated differently.
Woodley: Im raising my black kids in a white country.
Woodley: Im getting treated poorly by the UFC......wonder why.

Reporter: how do you feel about the treatment of black fighters in the UFC?
Woodley: I think they get promoted differently. They dont get the same push imo. Etc.
Random Sherdogger: Woodley sure seems talks about race and racism a lot.
I understand he’s playing the heel , but he really needs some new material
King Colby continues to entertain and enlighten.

God bless Colby Covington.

I can't get that fucking song out of my head.

Rapper Tyrone Woodley drops some very catchy beats and sick flows.

I'm not strong enough to click it.. too scared of mega cringe that will destroy me.
Woodley won a real belt and didn't get koed by the same person they lost too

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