Media Khabib answers Conor

That guy is 100% trolling and you can't see it.
are u really dumb guy? LOL
There’s a difference between his ability to dump Conor on his head versus whether it’s actually prudent in a sanctioned MMA fight. If knowing all he had to do was slam him on his head to kill/ hurt him and end it, he wouldn’t have to reserve his energy for anything else. It’s a guaranteed fight ender even if he misses lol. The damage would be permanent/devastating even if he doesn’t die.

Also, a comment above also mentioned groin strikes and head butts khabib could employ, which I agree with, although *head butts are way too risky imo. Groin strikes would be a lot easier to employ and be effective in a short time than trying to strike the back of the head.

but hey, whatever makes you happy bud.

Khabib schooled Conor and all his fans can grasp onto is winning the 3rd. Not surprised that you guys have to resort to fantasising about him winning a street fight that he’d likely die in too. You guys are ruthless lol
look at my past posts, where do u get that I'm a Conor fan? I just can't stand khabib fans, too dumb to see he looks like shit when pressured, hasn't faced a grappler, will be exposed by gaethje buteveryone acts like hes an invincible god.
Conor needs to double down or shut up, I wonder what he does. Mmmmmm.
I don't think you read my message. He's fought more times than Conor in the past year lol

Yeah I got you.. But we talk about Nate because of Conor.. And he can afford to never again really thanks to Conor..

Conor needs to double down or shut up, I wonder what he does. Mmmmmm.
All depends on what Dana allows him to do. I'd say the company and Ali hold more cards than Conor at this point. If Conor choose's to sit, UFC has already shown they will let him.
Yeah I got you.. But we talk about Nate because of Conor.. And he can afford to never again really thanks to Conor..

But your point is moot because he's fought twice since he fought Conor. Do I really have to explain this to you? Nvm I'm wasting my time with a troll.

Good day sir.
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Always been the case, in a street fight a guy who can throw you on the floor will destroy a stand up guy if it's a one Vs one, only casuals who watched too much martial arts movie think that stand up is "real fighting".

Obviously, seeing where khabib grew up, third world war zone, he knows how to be dirty in a street fight, he's not a fake tough persona, that's why he's not a trash talker, he doesn't need to.

This lol.

I can't believe there are morons who think Khabib wouldn't destroy on the ground. Do they think he's going to lay and stall for points or some shit?

In a serious fight on the street against Conor, he'd be blinding him eye gouges, repeatedly slamming him, headbutting him--the whole fucking lot.
so hurting khabib fans so blinded by khabibs nuts they can't see that conor was not the same, and of coarse khabib beat him once so he wins 100 times out of 100. Khabib fans should all drink bleach imo. For real

Conor fans.

He wants redemption. I think it is a good thing tbf. Why would he be afraid of Khabib? If anything, just shows the pair of balls this dude has.

No, it's not a good thing actually.

A) Conor NEVER gave a rematch to anyone. Not even FW GOAT Aldo.

B) He basically wants ANOTHER free title shot based on... nothing, really. How about winning some fights at LW? You know, that thing fighters regularly do, if they want to call themselves contenders...
But you're point is moot because He's fought twice since he fought Conor. Do I really have to explain this to you? Nvm I'm wasting my time with a troll.

Good day sir.

Nate is not active man.. You want to cherry pick the last 12 months.. Wow You Went on Wikipedia.. Nate lost the rematch to Conor in 2016 and what did he do? He sat around waiting for his phone to ring wanting the 3rd fight? And he did this for 3 years.. So don't talk about Nate being active without some context.. Do you need to look that word up?

Khabib stole Conor soul,the Irishman can beat other fighters to feed his ego.

but every time he sleeps, he will remember that the Russian is his owner and he will never be able to defeat him.


No caption needed honestly. That picture is more than enough.

Khabib stole Conor soul,the Irishman can beat other fighters to feed his ego.

but every time he sleeps, he will remember that the Russian is his owner and he will never be able to defeat him.


are u really dumb guy? LOL

look at my past posts, where do u get that I'm a Conor fan? I just can't stand khabib fans, too dumb to see he looks like shit when pressured, hasn't faced a grappler, will be exposed by gaethje buteveryone acts like hes an invincible god.

Looked like shit and lost only a round in his whole career, you're an ignorant uneducated bum, sir.
No, it's not a good thing actually.

A) Conor NEVER gave a rematch to anyone. Not even FW GOAT Aldo.

B) He basically wants ANOTHER free title shot based on... nothing, really. How about winning some fights at LW? You know, that thing fighters regularly do, if they want to call themselves contenders...
It is pretty crazy how Tony had to win 12 in a row and still never got his title fight. McGregor beats a random and gets immediate title shots. And this is coming from a McGregor fan but you gotta be honest about things.
right...because Khabib would magically not be able to do any of those things too?

what a silly thing to say - LOL
Conor gets slammed onto the concrete and breaks his neck. Game over. Wrestlers have huge advantages in the street

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