Crime Protesters gather after Death of George Floyd

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The dumbest man on television is on CNN right now is comparing the looting going on in almost every major city to the dumping of 300 barrels of tea in Boston harbor. He’s saying the looters are standing up for what’s right.

Didn't CNN spend years reminding us the founding fathers were terrorists over the Boston Tea Party whenever Palin's Tea Party was a thing?
Looters should be shot. It's a total breakdown of society allowing looting.

I don't think anyone should sit back and pick off looters from down the street or any of that or that all looters should be sentenced to death. But I think shop owners in or around their stores should have the right to defend their property with lethal force if necessary. I think once police form a perimeter, when full scale rioting starts, they ought to fight with lethal force if necessary and not retreat. Allowing a total break down of law and order is devastating. And it's the hardest working members of Minneapolis' black community who will ultimately lose the most.
It's like trying to put out a fire with a bucket of gasoline. You may fuck up or kill someone but you are guaranteed to have the mob on you afterwards. It's illogical. I don't want to see guns being pulled out either but this is just moronic.

Better to just call it a day and hope your insurance covers the damages.

With a gun you might have half a chance of scaring the looters away, even though it's still a big chance to take. If a couple of those guys are drugged-up or just nuts, you're fucked. 1 vs 20 doesn't usually end up well for the one.
Cop knocked out in Fresno
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What does Trump have to do with it? TDS

Are you stupid too? I am saying I agree with what he said about rioters and looters, they should be stopped except for the shooting part. The guys who are trying to rob the fedex truck are looters are they not? You fanatical Trump supporters are so defensive and pathetic. Get a life dude, you dont need to defend Trump 24/7
ok. but I'm pretty sure these criminals aren't running amok with their political affiliation in mind.

they're just pieces of shit.
They're most certainly not pieces of shit. These are people who have been degraded and humiliated by a racist, white supremacist system constantly attempting to dehumanize and oppress People of Colour. What they did may have been misguided, but their anger is totally justified and understandable.
Should be a content warning for that video imo. Do we know his name etc?

Anyway, not to blame the victim here, but don't pull out a sword and charge a mob of violent rioters. This isn't a movie or video game, things can get really fucking bad for you in a couple of seconds and you're most likely not prepared for it.
They're most certainly not pieces of shit. These are people who have been degraded and humiliated by a racist, white supremacist system constantly attempting to dehumanize and oppress People of Colour. What they did may have been misguided, but their anger is totally justified and understandable.
I predict that Sherdog will ban everyone that's inside this thread in 3... 2... 1...
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