Crime Ahmaud Arbery Shooting v4 (autopsy report)

You're all fucking crazy. How the fuck people can believe this scumbag was just some innocent jogger out for a run is utterly baffling.

They have video of him trespassing on private property, in an area that was subjected to multiple robberies. He had run afoul of the law several times before this incident, at least two of those instances also caught on video. Not only does he seem to enjoy breaking the law but he also has a history of acting aggressively when confronted for it. Even in the video where he got shot it is clear that he is escalating the situation by trying to attack an armed individual.

That being said, I don't agree with civilians trying to detain people. That should be left to the police. I'm sorry for this guy's family that they lost a loved one but you reap what you sow and Arbery was a criminal who's luck finally ran out. Trying to paint him as some tragic innocent victim is absurd and only serves to shift the blame so people can exploit an unfortunate situation for their own ends.
You're all fucking crazy. How the fuck people can believe this scumbag was just some innocent jogger out for a run is utterly baffling.

They have video of him trespassing on private property, in an area that was subjected to multiple robberies. He had run afoul of the law several times before this incident, at least two of those instances also caught on video. Not only does he seem to enjoy breaking the law but he also has a history of acting aggressively when confronted for it. Even in the video where he got shot it is clear that he is escalating the situation by trying to attack an armed individual.

That being said, I don't agree with civilians trying to detain people. That should be left to the police. I'm sorry for this guy's family that they lost a loved one but you reap what you sow and Arbery was a criminal who's luck finally ran out. Trying to paint him as some tragic innocent victim is absurd and only serves to shift the blame so people can exploit an unfortunate situation for their own ends.

You are aware that you can't go hunt down people who have been arrested before right?

You are aware that Murder is pretty serious right?
You argue the stupidest arguments sometimes. Why would you even put forth the energy to make that distinction? You pick the most idiotic hills to die on some times. You're smarter than that, act like it.
Dildo strikes again.
No, it doesn't necessarily indicate that. It reveals the killer is racist. It doesn't necessarily reveal he kills the person because he is racist. That isn't the reason they pursued Arbery. Even the text doesn't indicate that he killed him because of race. If true, it demonstrates that racism probably contributed to his reckless suspicion of Arbery, but the suspicion (and the reason he chased him) was primarily motivated by his belief that Arbery was the one robbing the neighborhood.

a racist would believe that Arbery was the one who robbed the neighborhood because he was........?
You are aware that you can't go hunt down people who have been arrested before right?

You are aware that Murder is pretty serious right?
Obviously and I said as much in my previous post. Just because those hillbillies fucked up and overstepped their authority doesn't change the fact that Arbery was a multiple time criminal that was obviously not out for a simple jog. Also, the idiot probably wouldn't have gotten himself shot if he didn't attack an armed redneck. He knew he was guilty, the rednecks knew he was guilty and anyone with an iota of honesty who watched the videos knows he was guilty.

I agree that those hillbillies should stand trial and if they are convicted I don't have an issue with them doing time. The thing I have a problem with is the absurd notion that Arbery was just some innocent victim. He wasn't and he paid for his criminality and stupidity with his life.
is there seriously anyone that could not look at them and make an educated guess they just MIGHT be racist? I mean I lived in Tennessee and North Carolina for some years, so I guess maybe I just know better
Obviously and I said as much in my previous post. Just because those hillbillies fucked up and overstepped their authority doesn't change the fact that Arbery was a multiple time criminal that was obviously not out for a simple jog. Also, the idiot probably wouldn't have gotten himself shot if he didn't attack an armed redneck. He knew he was guilty, the rednecks knew he was guilty and anyone with an iota of honesty who watched the videos knows he was guilty.

I agree that those hillbillies should stand trial and if they are convicted I don't have an issue with them doing time. The thing I have a problem with is the absurd notion that Arbery was just some innocent victim. He wasn't and he paid for his criminality and stupidity with his life.

Attack an armed redneck?

You mean the one he tried to run away from until they ran him over? That armed racist redneck?

Tell me what he should do after being hunted down and hit by a truck. Explain it you fucking garbage.
Attack an armed redneck?

You mean the one he tried to run away from until they ran him over? That armed racist redneck?

Tell me what he should do after being hunted down and hit by a truck. Explain it you fucking garbage.
Real mature with the insults, too bad they are as meaningless to me as any baseless comments on a message board.

Not sure how trying to punch and grab a person's gun constitutes trying to run away but as to what he should have done, that's easy. Stop and either call the cops himself or shout so someone in one of the nearby homes would call the cops. Trying to attack or run from armed men is the last fucking thing an innocent person would do. Or maybe he had a good reason to not want the cops involved, what do you think?
Obviously and I said as much in my previous post. Just because those hillbillies fucked up and overstepped their authority doesn't change the fact that Arbery was a multiple time criminal that was obviously not out for a simple jog. Also, the idiot probably wouldn't have gotten himself shot if he didn't attack an armed redneck. He knew he was guilty, the rednecks knew he was guilty and anyone with an iota of honesty who watched the videos knows he was guilty.

I agree that those hillbillies should stand trial and if they are convicted I don't have an issue with them doing time. The thing I have a problem with is the absurd notion that Arbery was just some innocent victim. He wasn't and he paid for his criminality and stupidity with his life.

Wearing jogging shoes, liked to jog, obviously not a jogger. You're pathetic.
Real mature with the insults, too bad they are as meaningless to me as any baseless comments on a message board.

Not sure how trying to punch and grab a person's gun constitutes trying to run away but as to what he should have done, that's easy. Stop and either call the cops himself or shout so someone in one of the nearby homes would call the cops. Trying to attack or run from armed men is the last fucking thing an innocent person would do. Or maybe he had a good reason to not want the cops involved, what do you think?

I think you are just another run of the mill racist quick to accept murder as long as its a black man. You would be perfect fine with lunch mobs.

When you hear a black man was murdered, you jump to saying its good, he was probably a criminal. You have more of an issue with the media not discussing his irrelevant history than the modern lynching.

You arent a person.
Some of the same Stormfront Crew argued that James Fields acted in self defense, even after he pleaded guilty to murder for running people over with his car in Charlottesville.

They aren't honest people. There is no amount of evidence that can "convince" them.
I think you are just another run of the mill racist quick to accept murder as long as its a black man. You would be perfect fine with lunch mobs.

When you hear a black man was murdered, you jump to saying its good, he was probably a criminal. You have more of an issue with the media not discussing his irrelevant history than the modern lynching.

You arent a person.
There you go, cry racism when the facts don't agree with your stupid opinion. I don't give a shit what color he was. His "irrelevant history" shows a pattern of behavior and the video evidence proves he was a criminal. Also, here is a little fact for you to chew on, the media is a biased propaganda tool that pushes their pathetic ideologies. Left or Right are both equally corrupt and wouldn't know a piece of honest journalism if it punched them in their faces.

As you seem to have extreme difficulty with reading comprehension i'll spell it out for you clearly. There is nothing good about anyone getting killed but people are accountable for their actions. Arbery led a life of crime and it cost him his life. The McMichaels chose to take the law into their own hands and they should pay whatever price a trial determines that they owe.
There you go, cry racism when the facts don't agree with your stupid opinion. I don't give a shit what color he was. His "irrelevant history" shows a pattern of behavior and the video evidence proves he was a criminal. Also, here is a little fact for you to chew on, the media is a biased propaganda tool that pushes their pathetic ideologies. Left or Right are both equally corrupt and wouldn't know a piece of honest journalism if it punched them in their faces.

As you seem to have extreme difficulty with reading comprehension i'll spell it out for you clearly. There is nothing good about anyone getting killed but people are accountable for their actions. Arbery led a life of crime and it cost him his life. The McMichaels chose to take the law into their own hands and they should pay whatever price a trial determines that they owe.

lol, crying racist about the guy screaming Fucking N***** over the body of the man he just hunted down and shot. He could say it in court and your still be trying to say there is nothing about race, and the real story is the black man's crimes.
Inb4 the infamous racist stormfronters @Goonerview @phoenixikki @Starman @PainIsLIfe @RoosterHucklebuck and @Curmudgeon arrive and try to come up with an excuse for this.

You’re the one that is racist.

My position hasn’t changed, I’ve always said, wait for the facts to come out, have faith in the process. Don’t jump to conclusions.

If Travis is indeed guilty, then he will go to prison. I’m not going to lose sleep over that, he doesn’t pay my bills.

Even if Travis got acquitted, I wouldn’t be celebrating it, unlike how certain people did after OJ got away with murder.
You’re the one that is racist.

My position hasn’t changed, I’ve always said, wait for the facts to come out, have faith in the process. Don’t jump to conclusions.

If Travis is indeed guilty, then he will go to prison. I’m not going to lose sleep over that, he doesn’t pay my bills.

what other facts do you want to see?
lol, crying racist about the guy screaming Fucking N***** over the body of the man he just hunted down and shot. He could say it in court and your still be trying to say there is nothing about race, and the real story is the black man's crimes.
You're hopeless, maybe someday you'll pull your head out of your ass and see what's really going on in the world. Until then keep pushing your narrative in impotent outrage and watch as nothing changes.
You're hopeless, maybe someday you'll pull your head out of your ass and see what's really going on in the world. Until then keep pushing your narrative in impotent outrage and watch as nothing changes.

Im not the one defending some guys who lynched a man and screamed racial slurs at his corpse. I am not the one who instead of simply condemning racist murderes, needs to whine about the media not smearing murder victims.

Someday you will pull your head out of your ass and realize that just because someone was arrested 5 years ago, does not matter when they are murdered today. At all, even a little. Its not even worth mentioning. it doesn't matter if he liked pineapple on pizza, preferred fords, or anything else. He was murdered by racists, and the police tried to cover it up. Thats what matters.
Some of the same Stormfront Crew argued that James Fields acted in self defense, even after he pleaded guilty to murder for running people over with his car in Charlottesville.

They aren't honest people. There is no amount of evidence that can "convince" them.
Bro Kone straight up admitted to wanting to have sex with preteens and Sherdog let it slide. I had to rustle the dude to saying he was glad Heather was murdered to get him banned.
You’re the one that is racist.

My position hasn’t changed, I’ve always said, wait for the facts to come out, have faith in the process. Don’t jump to conclusions.

If Travis is indeed guilty, then he will go to prison. I’m not going to lose sleep over that, he doesn’t pay my bills.

Even if Travis got acquitted, I wouldn’t be celebrating it, unlike how certain people did after OJ got away with murder.

what other facts do you want to see?
Been busy working, I am not up to date with the case. I know Roddy has said that Travis used racist slurs.

It certainly looks bad for Travis, but we still need to get the whole picture.

Have faith in the process.