Elections United States Presidential Debate Thread: The Final Confrontation

Who Will Win?

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He’s desperately trying to not to sound like a prick. He actually comes off much better this way. He did this in the very beginning of the last debate, and also the beginning of the 2nd debate with Hillary—but he couldn’t sustain it. He ended up going off the rails in those; we’ll see if he can maintain this for 90 minutes. Should be interesting.

He really does come off more polished here. I wonder if he can keep this up for another hour
He's also a pro golfer millionaire. But yeah, his American flag shirt offends you. lol You are a complete trashbag.
The only measure of a person is how much money they have to you. No wonder you immediately bent over for this orange clown.

He’s gonna catch a beating like the Pats did on Sunday.
Yea, if you let him harp on this pandemic shit, sure. There are a good number of people now that feel shutting down the economy is a dangerous game. Pandemic/Economic shutdown is a two edged sword.

And Biden sound much better on both issues.
Trump came in composed and is actually able to answer questions with specifics. This is not what Biden rehearsed for at all.
"they said to not wear masks! now saying were masks!"

Its almost as if..science...with more study and data...evolves

fuck me, fuck these morons
Is Biden going to answer ANY question without "Trump bad"?? What are you going to do Joe?!? YOU.
LOL Joe with that silly smirk looks like an old man sitting in a rocking chair that just secretly farted.

I keep saying this, but...eerily similar to 2016...

Also is it just me or are the microphones NOT being muted like at all?
How so? Biden avoided mentioning the lockdowns, Trump is right about the lockdowns hurting business, where i am some of the businesses had being closed i can only imagine what will happen during winter.

Fund the small businesses, to help with the hardship. You know that thing the Republicans refuse to do.
Jesus this Trump is night and day difference. Whoever trained him did amazing. This is getting really bad for Biden... he’s already losing thoughts.
Is Biden going to say what he plans to do or just keep talking about how bad Trump is?
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